Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

We're escorted by a bunch of droids and they took our sabers away. This droid has my hands pretty tight. They toss me in between Obi-Wan and Anakin and I have to balance myself. "Ah, the negotiator," Grevious says. "General Kenobi, we've been waiting for you."

"Aw, I don't get any attention?" I sarcastically ask. Grevious looks at me.

"Mara Jubilee. What a surprise to see such a innocent face sent on such a dangerous task," Grevious says.

"I like a challenge. Looks can be deceiving," I shoot back. I feel Anakin look at me, as if telling me to stop. I lift up my chin and I try to think of a plan.

"Now that wasn't much of a rescue, now was it?" Grevious snatches the sabers from a droid's hand. "And," he coughs, "Anakin Skywalker. I was expecting someone with your reputation to be... much older." Grevious walks up to us. He smells like oil and rust.

"Grevious, I was expecting you to be taller," Anakin says back. I feel my mouth turn into a sly smirk. Grevious coughs and backs up.

"Jedi scum," he hisses.

"Smooth," I whisper.

"We have a job to do, try not to upset him," Obi-Wan says. I can see the faint smile on him. R2 beeps and I keep my chin up.

"Your sabers will make a wonderful addition to my collection," Grevious shows his countless lightsabers.

"Not this time," Obi-Wan says. "And this time, you won't escape."

"R2," I order. R2 uses all his defenses against the droids around us. A droid tries to grab my arm and point a blaster at my head. I grab my wrists and elbow it and kick it to the ground.

"Mara," Obi-Wan calls. I look to him. Anakin cuts my cuffs and hands me my saber. I turn it on as I twirl it over my head. I slice a droid in half and I do a one hand cartwheel over a control panel thing. An alarm goes off and I land in a kneel.

"Crush them," Grevious commands the purple electrosword wielding mandroids. They start to come after us and I try to get rid of the extra droids. The ones I'm dealing with are very easy and I kill them quickly. I think it's good that I can kill this scrap metal yet I don't have the heart to kill a person. Unless it was Dooku. I would've killed him the same way with no hesitation. I see Obi-Wan behead one and walks away, waiting for the clank of it falling. But it's still alive. I try to sneak up on it, but it hears me. It full on attacks me. I scream as it misses my arm by a measley inch. Obi-Wan turns around and kills the droid. It drops to the ground.

"Thank you," I huff and toss hair from my face. The pain in my stomach returns and fades away quickly. I swear, that's going to drive me insane.

"Don't bother with them! Keep the ship going!" Grevious orders his little droid minions. I flip over a control panel and slice a droid in quarters. I run to where Grevious is and I twirl my saber in my hand. I look like a gunslinger. Grevious has a purple thing like his manguards had and raises it. "You lose, General Kenobi." He stabs the window. Oh no. Greivous blows out with the glass and it almost sucks me out. I grab hold of Anakin's open arm. I scream. The metal replacements cover the open. I drop to the ground on my back. I close my eyes and try to slow down my breathing. I really hope all of me is okay. I clutch my stomach and open my eyes. Anakin helps me up. I hear blasts along the ship. I run to the main controls in the front and I try to figure it out. I see the escape pod numbers decrease.

"He took them all!" I exclaim. "Little wimp," I mutter. Obi-Wan comes next to me and sees what I'm trying to figure out. Anakin sits in the other seat.

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