Chapter 51

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Chapter 51:

"They didn't even ask me any questions," Han says. I know why. He's going to Jabba. His time to pay is up. I hold myself tighter and I hope my tears dry quickly. The door opens again and I look back. Chewy roars. Three people walk in and one of them I recognize as Lando. I dig my nails into my arms.

I turn to him and Chewy growls. "You lying, slimy, sniveling-" I start to growl.

"Get out of here, Lando," Han sits up with Leia's help.

"Shut up and listen," Lando interrupts. "Vader's turned Leia over to me."

"And what about the rest? Like me?" I growl.

"He's planning on taking you," Lando says. I start to breathe quicker. "The rest will be safe."

"No, Vader wants us dead," Leia says.

"No he doesn't want you at all! He wants her," Lando points to me, "and someone named Sky... Skywalker."

"Luke," I breathe out. Lando's hand falls.

"Lord Vader set a trap," Lando says.

"And we're the bait!" Leia snaps. Han starts to stand up.

"You fix this. You better fix it real good," Han growls. I see him charge his hand and it flings to Lando's face. Han falls and Leia rushes to help him as the guards try to keep them down.

"Stop! Stop!" Lando demands. The guards stop and I feel my lip tug.

"You-" I growl.

"I've done all I can! Sorry I couldn't do enough, I've got enough problems on my back," Lando walks out. I shake with anger and fear. Leia and Chewy try to pick up Han. A guard helps me stand up, they know they have to treat me with care, and they put my hands behind me. They take us all out and into a room I've never been to before. My tears have dried, my eyes haven't though.

I stand here, held tightly and inert.

"If only you attached my legs, I wouldn't be in this position," 3PO whines.

"3PO shush," I hiss. Anakin walks into sight. I look down to the glowing floor.

"What's going on, buddy?" Han asks Lando.

"You're being put into carbon freeze," Lando replies, hardly moving his lips.

"The Empire with compensate him if he dies. Put him in!" Anakin orders. My lips part and Anakin's change. Chewy roars and they push Han to the middle. Chewy pushes two clones over the edge.

"Chewy stop!" I warn. He doesn't listen. More clones come at him and are pushed. I look to Han, who rushes over to Chewy and he starts to comfort him. I snap my head to Anakin. "You monster," I mouth. Leia walks over to Chewy and she puts her hand on him. I look to her as she looks to me. She doesn't know why Anakin wants me so bad. I don't think I'll be around long enough to tell her. Or Luke.

Han and Leia press their lips together, not shocking me. I'm too afraid to even move. The clones pull Han to the middle and Leia stares at him. "I love you," she blurts.

"I know," Han replies. I move my eyes to look at Anakin. How can he just watch this happen? Two short people come and take off Han's cuffs. They run out and Han lowers. Chewy roars. I look up at Anakin, watching him motion to a person to do something.

"Monster," I mouth again to myself. Then, smoke appears, forcing me to look away. I bite my lip hard and squeeze my eyes shut. The smoke stops and I don't dare look back. I look up to Anakin, seeing him just watch. Chewy stops and I look to the damage. I see a large claw take out a frozen Han in carbonite. My teeth let go of my lip. My jaw drops. The people drop Han's frozen imprint on the ground, making a large bang which makes me jump. Lando walks over and checks on if Han survived.

"Well? Did he survive?" Anakin asks.

"Yes," Lando replies. "In perfect hibernation."

"He's all yours," Anakin turns to the bounty hunter.

"Monster," I mouth again.

"Reset the chamber for Skywalker," Anakin directs. I shoot my head up to him and I widen my eyes. A guard comes up.

"Skywalker has just landed," he says.

"Good," Vader says in reply. "He'll find his way in here." I look to Leia and Chewy. I feel so sorry. "Take the princess, the Wookie, and Mara to my ship."

"But you said they'd stay here!" Lando points to Leia and Chewy.

"I'm altering the deal. Just pray I don't alter it any further," Anakin shoots back. He gently pushes me to them. I look to Han again. How did he get here? A smuggler, simply annoyingly sending me drinks in a cantina, now frozen because of my screwed up family. Anakin walks away, and I feel myself block out of my own mind. I can feel my lip quiver.

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