Chapter 45

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Chapter 45:

They sent out ships to look out for Han and Luke as morning reached. I didn't sleep. I was too worried and I thought way too much. I kept thinking of Anakin. The memories we shared. The ones he's probably forgotten.

Leia rushes out to me. "They found them!" she shouts. I wake up to reality and I immediately get up. I run to her, she has a large smile on her face. She rushes me to the healing room, where they plan Luke's arrival. I see them carry in Luke's unconscious body, frozen but alive. They let him soak in a tank so he can thaw out. He floats in there. I look and I see Han. I am overly happy that he helped find Luke. I turn around and I wrap my arms around him.

"Thank you, so much!" I say. I hear a thump. I let go of Han and I see Luke has woken up. They make him float up.

After a while, I sit by Luke as he's all fixed and dried. His hazel eyes are gleaming more.

"Master Luke! It is so good to see you!" 3PO shouts. I brush a piece of Luke's hair from his eyes and I smile kindly to him. Chewy and Han walk in.

"How are you feeling?" Han shouts.

"Better. Thanks to you," Luke says.

"Now that's two you owe me now kiddo," Han says. Han turns to the door and sees Leia. "Well you managed to keep me for a while longer."

"I had nothing to do with it," Leia shoots back. "We can't let any ships leave the system until the energy shields are back up."

"I just think you can't let go of a gorgeous man like me!" Han self praises. Oh great.

"I don't know where you get these lunatic thoughts," Leia says as she rolls her eyes. I hear Chewy snicker. Han slowly turns to look at Chewy.

"Laugh it up fuzzball," he sneers. He stands and walks over to Leia. "Then what was that in the south passage, where you expressed your true feelings for me. Let's ask Mara-"

"Don't get me into this!" I snap.

"Why you.. Dumb-witted, scruffy looking,... Nerf herder!" she snaps as Han walks away. He looks back at her.

"Who's 'scruffy looking'?!" Han asks with annoyance. I roll my eyes. "Must have gotten her all wild up, seeing her like that."

"Han!" I snap. Leia walks over and looks at Han.

"Then I guess you don't know all about women yet," she looks at Luke. The next sight made me want to slap all of them.

Leia quickly just full on kisses Luke. I feel my eyes fall out. She pulls back as I'm about to push her off. She looks at Han and then walks out. I look at her and then at Luke. He puts his hands behind his head. Oh, that's right, he doesn't know. I just face palm.

I hear Chewy laugh and Han walks out. 3PO understands why I'm so shocked. I look to Luke again.

"That's not something to be proud of. Trust me on that," I start to get up. "Now listen, just rest. None of this happened." I walk out. I place my hands over my face.

Oh my, if they knew all I knew, they would regret everything that just happened in there. I shudder at the image. HE KISSED HIS SISTER. And the worst part, I didn't act quickly enough to stop them. I follow Leia to the control room.

"What is it?" I ask as I run to the signal.

"We picked up something behind the bases," the man replies.

"It could be a speeder, one of ours," Han suggests.

"No," the man replies. "Wait... there's something very weak coming through." I hear a weird language.

"Sir, I am fluent in over six million languages and this one isn't used by land. It could be an Imperial code," 3PO pipes up.

"That is never the bearer of good news," I mutter.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't sound friendly. Come on Chewy, let's check it out," Han leads out. I don't feel my heart ache, Anakin isn't here, so that's good. Right? I wait a bit here and Han's voice comes in. "Not much out here. I didn't hit it that hard, must have had a self destruct or something," Han says in the communications.

"Imperial Probe droid," Leia sighs.

"We should start the evacuation," a man says. I run to find Luke. All of a sudden, now my heart gets that clutched feeling. Aw man.

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