Chapter 37

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Chapter 37:

Luke presses something and the door opens. A young woman lies in the cell. She has dark brown hair like mine tied up in buns on each side of her head. She wakes up as Luke comes clonking in and I follow. She has warm brown eyes. This is my Leia, the daughter I never knew. Oh, she's so beautiful. She looks at us.

"You're a bit short for a storm trooper. And you're too pretty to be here," Leia remarks.

"What? Oh!" Luke takes off his helmet. "I'm Luke Skywalker and I'm here to rescue you."

"Mara Jubilee, at your service," I smile kindly.

"Who?" she asks as she gets up.

"We'll get specific with introductions later. Now, we'll rescue you," I push.

"I have your R2 unit and Ben Kenobi," Luke adds.

"Where?" she asks eagerly.

"Come on you two!" I call. I run back to where Han and Chewy are. I sense something coming. Not Anakin, though. I pull out my blaster and I aim it at the elevator. Chewy roars as the door blows a hole in itself. I start to get trigger happy.

"Get behind me!" Han orders. I start to back away and try not to shoot Han or Chewy by accident. I stop my finger and I start to run back to Luke to warn them. They bump into me and I hold them back.

"Bad news, can't leave that way," I catch up my breath. "

"Looks like you cut off our only escape route," Leia looks behind me. Han bumps his back to mine. Han heard what Leia said.

"Maybe you might be more comfortable in your cell, your highness," Han hisses. A blaster shot misses me by an inch and we all find cover.

"Use the communicator!" I yell at Luke from across the way.

"C-3PO! Is there any other ways out of the cell bay? We've been cut off!" Luke shouts into the communicator. I aim at a trooper and he falls.

"Hurry up! I can't keep doing that, they keep coming!" I yell. I can't hear what 3PO replies were. "What did he say?"

"It's the only way, nothing else!" Luke says back to me. Oh well that's just fan-freaking-tastic. I try and look for an escape. "

"We can't keep doing this!" Han yells. Chewy roars in agreeance.

"Well this is some rescue!" Leia sarcastically says. That makes me think back to Grevious. I get pissed.

"Calm yourself, please!" I yell back forcefully. Leia takes Luke's gun and she shoots at a vent next to me. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Someone has to save our butts!" she yells back. She comes into the middle and starts to shoot at the troopers. "Come on!" she tosses Luke his blast back and jumps into the vent. I stare wide-eyed at her quick thinking. How did I miss that vent? I follow her and fall on my bottom. Oh, so many memories. But, it smells revolting in here. I fall to the bottom and I land? Then I realize who it smells so disgusting. This is the trash shoot.

"Ew!" I yell and stand up. I am going to change after this. I'll take off this dull uniform. Han and Luke land in here and Han looks mad.

"What a great idea. What a disgusting smell you've discovered!" Han taunts.

"Hey, ease up!" I snap in protection for my daughter. Chewy's banging on a door, trying to get it to open.

"Get away from there!" Han demands. Han points his blaster at the door and readies to shoot.

"No!" I scream. Too late, he pulls the trigger. The blaster bullet bounces in the room. I duck so I don't get hit. Soon enough, it stops. "Are you trying to kill us?"

"It's magnetically sealed!" Luke barks.


"At your command your worship. I had everything under control until you lead us down here!" Han barks at Leia.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" I scream. A roar comes, and it's not Chewy. We all shut up after that. "What was that?" I panic.

"There's something alive in here," Luke realizes.

"Oh don't be silly, that's your imagination," Han looks at me. I see something come up next to Luke.

"Something's got my leg," Luke panics. Something moves in the water next to him. I feel something grab my ankle. I gasp.

"What?" Han shouts confused.

"It's got me!" I hiss. Something pops up and it looks like an eyes. I feel like I'm about to faint. Never in the time I've been alive have I encountered a garbage monster! It looks around and drops back down. The monster must've gotten Luke, he sinks down into the liquid. I struggle my ankle out of the monster's grasp. It starts to tug. "Get it off me!" I panic. I struggle some more and the monster gets off me. I hear Luke scream. I look back up and see him. The monster's still got a grasp on him. I stand up and I try to grab his hand. I'm not going to let my son die in front of me, not now. He kind of misses my hand and the monster wraps around his neck.

"SHOOT!" Luke yells. "ANYWHERE!" I pull out my blaster and shoot at the water next to him. I can hear Chewy pound on the wall. The monster takes Luke in again. I try and go for him, but he disappeared. It all gets silent. I feel my eyes water up. No.. The walls begin to make noises.

"That doesn't sound good," I whisper. Luke shoots up again, coughing. "LUKE!" I try and help him up.

"What happened?" Leia shouts.

"I don't know! It let go of me and disappeared!" Luke shouts back. That doesn't lessen my worry about the wall noises. The wall makes another noise.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Han says.

"We all did," I add. I hear squeaking. The walls are closing in on us. My breathing quickens. "The walls!"

"Don't just stand there! Try and stop it!" Leia shouts.

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