Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Girls in very revealing outfits walk by me and look at me weird. I roll my eyes as a waitress walks by and snorts a laugh. "Why did you want to hold my hand again?" Anakin whispers.

"I don't like being hit on," I whisper back while not even looking at him.

"Do any of you see him?" Obi-Wan asks.

"Nope," I reply.

"I think he is a she," Anakin says.

"I was wondering about the body curves," I toss a piece of hair from my face. Anakin and Obi-Wan look at each other. "And I think she's a changeling."

"In that case, be very careful," Obi-Wan says. I look to them. Master Kenobi starts to walk a bit forward. "You and Mara go find her."

"And where do you think you're going?" I ask him.

"For a drink," Obi-Wan says seriously. I nod.

"Annie, stick with me," I start to walk to the left. He stays close to me. We pass a very chunky twi'lek who looked very dazed at Annie. But then she sees me and she looks away.

"Why don't you like anyone hitting on you? It isn't flattering?" Anakin says to me, still keeping an eye out for the person.

"I don't know, it just bugs me. Sure, it's flattering, but it gets annoying," I say back.

"And what if I hit on you?" he looks at me. I look back at him and look at his shoulder.

"You're too innocent to," I smile. "Besides, I guess I won't know until it happens." I look in his eyes. He's hiding something, I can sense it. I go back to looking for the girl.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Anakin sighs. "Do you see her?" I shake my head. I see a man look at my hips. And I see some club-goers check out Annie. Anakin grabs my hand to make them stop. We scan the area for a bit and I get a funny feeling in my gut.

"She's still here, I can feel it," I whisper. We stop walking and he doesn't let go of my hand. I must say, I'm sort of enjoying it, but I don't know if he is or if it's just a way to get people to stop looking at him. We continue the walking and it's feeling pretty stupid, we're walking in circles. I hear the buzz of a lightsaber and a female. Anakin and I walk to Obi-Wan, who is picking up a woman, the assassin. Anakin and I let go of each other's hands because now everyone knows we're practically just working together. I help Obi-Wan with the woman.

"Jedi business, go back to your drinks," Anakin says calmly to the crowd. We take the woman to an alley and Obi-Wan sets her down. He sliced her hand off. When Obi-Wan has a job, he does it. I stay standing and I cross my arms. Anakin squats down beside her.

"Do you know who it was you were trying to kill?" Obi-Wan asks her calmly.

"It was a senator from Naboo," she replies.

"And who hired you?" I ask. She looks up at me.

"It was just a job," she says. That wasn't the answer we were looking for. Anakin leans in.

"Who hired you? You can tell us," Anakin hisses. She hesitates.

"Answer him," I say while on the edge of falling into anger. She just looks at me. "Now!" I growl.

"It was a bounty hunter called-" she starts but a dart flies at her neck. She starts to fade off. I look to where the dart came from and I see a person go off on a jetpack. The woman changes into her natural form and says something I can't decipher. It dies and falls.

"Pity," I mumble. I kneel down touch the dead changeling's cheek. Obi-Wan takes out the dart and looks at it. "Strange, that doesn't look like the ones I've seen."

"Toxic dart," Obi-Wan mutters. Anakin looks at where the dart pierced the person's neck. I stand up again.

"Let's get back before another attempt happens," I say.

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