Chapter 63

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Chapter 63:

I freeze in place, my hands still on the invisible wall. Oh, Luke, you shouldn't have followed me. Run Luke, run. Please. I look to Sideous.

"You lied to me," I panic.

"And it's a surprise?" he doesn't even look to me. Luke looks to me and sees my fear. I didn't want it to come to this. Please, just run Luke. "Welcome, young Skywalker. I've been expecting you. You will no longer need those," Sideous says. Luke's cuffs come off and drop to the ground. "Guards. Leave us." The guards by the door walk off. "I'm looking forward to completing your training. In time, you shall call me 'Master'," Sideous says.

"Let him go, please," I whimper in a whisper. Sideous ignores me.

"Then you must be mistaken. You won't converge me as you did to my father," Luke replies. Sideous stands.

"Oh no, my young Jedi. You will find that it is you who is mistaken about many things," the Emperor says as he walks to Luke. I ball up my fists on the shield. Let him go. Run Luke, run as fast as you can. Fly back to Endor and save Leia and Han.

"His lightsaber," Anakin holds out Luke's saber and Sideous takes it.

"Ah. A Jedi's weapon. Much like your father's," Sideous says. "Now you must understand that your mother is here and your father can never be changed from the Dark Side of the force." Let Luke go, please! Kill me, and let him free! "With you as well."

"You're wrong. Soon, I'll be dead, and you with me," Luke says back. Sideous laughs at Luke's reply. I start to feel my breathing quicken. Stop Luke, he may not look powerful, but he is the most evil monster in the galaxy.

"Perhaps you will be affected by the attack on your rebel fleet," the Emperor remarks. Don't touch the rebels, Sideous. "Yes. I assure you that we are quite safe from your friends here." Sideous turns back to me. He sees my concern for the rebels and an evil smile grows on his face.

"Your overconfidence is your weakness," Luke remarks. Stop, you're only making it worse! Sideous turns to Luke.

"Your compassion for your friends is yours," Sideous turns back to me. "Compassion for your mother as well."

"Run," I mouth to Luke.

"It is pointless to resist, my son," Anakin says.

"No it isn't. Please, let him go. I'll do anything, just free him," I whimper to the Emperor.

"Silence," Sideous hisses back. He sits in his 'throne'. "Everything that has happened was according to my design. Your friends on the far Endor moon have just walked into a trap." I widen my eyes and I feel my heart race. "It was I who allowed the location of the shield generator. We're safe from your pitiful little band."

"Stop please," I whisper.

"I said silence," he hisses to me. "My army of troops will be waiting for your little fleet. Oh, and I'm afraid the deflector shields will be quite operational when your friends arrive." Sideous smiles cruelly. My eyes start to water up. For all I know, he might kill Luke and the rest. "Come see," Sideous says. Luke looks at me, as if asking for permission. I don't move a muscle. I stare at my hands on the shield. Anakin leads Luke to me. Luke looks out the window. I turn and see Luke stare out.

"I am so sorry," I whisper to Luke. He doesn't respond to me, it's like he doesn't want to be around me. "Luke, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." No reply again. He's focused on whatever is happening outside. I look out and see shots between fleets.

"You will witness the end of the alliance, and the destruction of your insignificant rebellion," Sideous hisses. I swallow hard.

"Don't please," I beg to Sideous. I just see him smile grimly. I look to Luke, who stares at his lightsaber, right next to Sideous's hand. I put a hand up, only to realize that the shield surrounds me. I let my hand stay there, longing to comfort Luke by a hand on the shoulder. I can't touch him.

"You want this don't you. Ah yes, your hatred is swelling up. Take your Jedi weapon, for I am unarmed," Sideous says.

"Luke, don't. He's trying to get in your head. You can fight it. Don't end up like your father," I whisper soothingly.

"Give into your anger," the Emperor continues. I give Luke a begging look in my eyes. Luke turns away and looks out the window again. "With each moment, you make yourself more my servant," Sideous continues. Luke turns around and glares at the Emperor.

"No," he flatly says.

"It is unavoidable. It is your destiny," Sideous replies.

"No, fight back your anger. That's exactly what breaks you down," I whisper to Luke. I start to close my hand.

"You, like your parents, are now mine," Sideous hisses. I feel my lip quiver. I didn't want this to happen.

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