Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

We all sit here in a shuttle, I sit by myself so I can think more clearly. Anakin being near me blurs my thoughts. I feel the shuttle land and Miss Padme starts to walk to the exit. "Be safe, m'lady," the other guard says. I have my hair down, very unusual for me, to hide my appearance. I have my saber hidden with Anakin. 
"I will, captain," Miss Padme says. She says something to her little maid and I stand up. I cross my arms and my thoughts fly away as I get even closet to Annie. This needs to stop, I can't be blinded. Annie and Obi-Wan stand as well.
"Anakin, don't do anything without consulting me or the council first," Obi-Wan says to Anakin. Anakin nods and I try to look away. Anakin looks out the window and my thoughts come back. I daze off.
"It's time to go," Anakin says. And there they fly away again.
"I know," Miss Padme says. Anakin walks out and Miss Padme too, but Obi-Wan stops me.
"Don't let your thoughts blind you. I suggest you stop as soon as possible," he whispers.
"I believe I don't know what you're talking about," I lie. He sees right through me. I push past him and try to catch up with Anakin and Miss Padme. Anakin is carrying Miss Padme's bags. R2 trails behind them. I walk behind them as well. We walk on the other ship and I find an empty seat. I feel the thing lift off and Miss Padme comes up to me.
"Anything I should know about?" she asks.
"No, of course not Miss," I sigh and sit. 
"You're lying," she says calmly. She sure knows how to read people without any sensing required. "You can tell me."
"No," I see Anakin come to us. "No I can't." He sits by Miss Padme and my mind blurs. It's getting worse. Miss Padme starts to eat and I keep my head tilted down. I play with my fingers and pull out a band to tie my hair back with. I begin to bring my hair back and I catch Anakin staring at me. I give him a stern look, as if telling him to stop, in which he doesn't. 
"It must be difficult having sworn both of your lives to the Jedi," Miss Padme says while still being very ladylike. "Not able to visit the places you want or do the things you want."
"Or be with the people that I love," Anakin says as I put my hands down. A part of me really wants him to be talking about his mother as the other part wants him to be talking about me. 
"Are you even allowed to love?" Miss Padme asks me. "I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi." I look at her.
"It is," I sigh. I slightly glance at Annie, who has his head down.
"Attachment is. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, or as I would define as unconditional love," Annie looks at me. I hold my breath without puffing my cheeks and I give him a stern look. He's really giving me a hard time. "Is essential in a Jedi's life. So I guess you can say we are encouraged to love." He smiles slyly at me. I let out my breath and gulp.
"If you'll excuse me," I stand and walk off. I bite my lip, hard. Damn him. He's torturing me. He can't love me, can he? I go to a hall and I make sure I'm out of sight. I can't think straight. Gosh, it's getting worse by the minute. After a long while of me being isolated and staying far away from Anakin, I feel the ship start to land. Now, I must go with him and feel my thoughts go. We get out and I follow from a distance to the shuttle. I keep my arms crossed and I try to focus, at which I'm failing. Anakin has Miss Padme's bags, it looks like he never let go of them, even though he did. I keep myself from speaking at all. I need my mind to be clear.
"I wasn't born queen, I was elected. And now that I look back, I think I wasn't old enough," Miss Padme says. "I'm not sure I was ready."
"The people you served thought you did a good job," I say. Anakin looks back at me in surprise I spoke. "I heard they tried to amend the constitution so you could stay." 
"I was relieved when my terms were up," she says. I stop listening and finally get my thoughts back as I focus on a plant. It's tall, very leafy, it's constantly blocked by the pillars. Annie was right, this place is very calm. And then my mind goes into chaos when it goes to Anakin. Come on, Mara, get a grip. I think of when Annie held my hand for that while in the club, then to his blue eyes gazing at me. I blink and try to shake off the thought. We walk into this place that has people in it, and it looks like they've been waiting for us. I see the queen in there. This might not be the type of talk for me. I stand by Anakin, as if off instinct for me. They talk about some war, but it's about the separatists. The queen looks at me like I'm dirt. I knew I didn't belong here. Anakin's arm brushes against mine and I feel goosebumps. 
"We must keep our faith in the Republic," with that, the queen stands, along with the rest of the room. She walks to the side of Miss Padme and they walk together. I feel Anakin look at me.
"Why do you seem so nervous? No one bites," he whispers. I don't look at him. I can't find words. 
"What is your suggestion Master Jedi?" a man with a white beard asks.
"Oh, Anakin's not a Jedi yet, he's still a padawan learner," Miss Padme says. Anakin seems angry she said that. I bite my tongue so I don't embarrass Miss Padme and Anakin in front of the queen. 
"Wait a minute-" Anakin starts.
"Excuse me," Miss Padme says seriously to him. I put my hand on Anakin's shoulder, trying to calm him down. 
"Excuse me. I'm in charge of security here, m'lady," Anakin says.
"And this is my home, I know it very well. That is why we're here," Miss Padme says. 
"Annie, let it go," I whisper. He looks at me and I fight back the stupid smile. Then he looks back at Miss Padme. 
"I'm sorry, m'lady," he says. He looks at me. "Happy?" he whispers bit a bit of annoyance.
"Very," I whisper back and do a small smile. He forces a smile back. We all keep walking and I take my hand off him.

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