Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

I'm so dazed by how handsome Annie's become. I wonder how I look to him. We all begin to sit down. "Our being here will be invisible, correct?" Master Kenobi asks.

"Correct. All of Senator Amidala's security, including Miss Mara, is kept secret. The queen has been informed of your assignment," says the man with the eyepatch. It's strange, I'm usually very good with names, yet I can never remember his. We all sit down and I sit next to Annie. His body heat seems high, wow, he must be very nervous. I look at him, is that sweat? "I'm very grateful you're here, Master Kenobi. The situation is more dangerous than the senator will admit."

"I don't need more security, Miss Mara might just be enough," Miss Padme says.

"Miss, I must thank you for the praises, but-" I try to say.

"Didn't you say you would give your all?" she asks me. I look down in shame that I even spoke up. "I need answers. I want and need to know who is trying to kill me." To be honest, that could be literally anyone.

"We're here to protect you Senator, not to start an investigation," Master Kenobi says. I don't dare say anything, but isn't finding who the killer is just making her protection a lot easier? I mean we can figure out his tactics and find how to track him.

"But, wouldn't it be reasonable to find out who's trying to kill her?" I blurt. I look at Master Kenobi, he doesn't seem too pleased that I went against his word. "I mean we can find them and find out how to stop them. Am I correct?" Anakin looks at me. He seems to be overjoyed I put the idea of having some fun into there.

"Anakin, you mustn't exceed our space. You will follow me and me only," Obi-Wan orders Annie.

"It was just an idea," I mutter and look back down. I knew I didn't belong here, I belong in the battlefield, adrenalin pumping, sabers crashing. Not this calm and high expected environment.

"Why?" Anakin asks kind of forcefully. I look up at Jar-Jar, who gulps, and then at Miss Padme. I nudge Annie a bit, kind of telling him to stop.

"What?" Master Kenobi asks.

"I agree with Mara, why not find the killer and be one step closer to stopping the attacks on the senator? Protection is a job for local security, Jedi do much more," Anakin says.

"We will do as the chancellor as told, exact words," Master Kenobi says, "You will know your place young one." I nudge Anakin again trying to stop him from going any further. He looks down at my arm that I nudged him with.

"It's alright, it's no big deal," I whisper.

Miss Padme says something that is sort of quiet and hard for me to understand and then says, "Now if you will excuse me. Miss Mara, please stay with the Jedi." She stands up. I nod and stay seated. The man with the eyepatch goes to Master Kenobi. Miss Padme walks off with her closest bodyguards and we stay here. Anakin gets up and stays at Jar-Jar's side.

"I will have every hall guarded," the man says to Master Kenobi. Obi-Wan nods and the man walks out.

"Me-sa busting with happy to see you again Annie," Jar-Jar says. I play with my hand, then I look up and see Anakin looking at me. I force a smile and look back down.

"Strange, she hardly even recognized me," Anakin says about Miss Padme.

"She hasn't seen you for ten years, Annie. She's seen me being raised," I say.

"What got you to recognize me?" Anakin walks in front of me. I look up at him and it looks like he's giant. I sit straight and leave my hand alone.

"Your lips," I smile. "Now it's your turn, how did you remember me?" I start to stand. I get up and we get face to face.

"Your voice and your eyes," he grins.

"You always knew how to charm a girl," I joke. "I'm sorry, but I must go get something. Excuse me." I walk off and stop behind a wall that no one can see me. Let's find out who he wants.

"I thought about her everyday while I was gone. It doesn't look like I've changed in her eyes," Anakin looks down. Come on Annie, spill the name.

"She's happy to see you, I know it," Binks says. Well this got boring. I grab the strap of my glove and undo the clasp. I walk out and redo the clasp so it looks like I just got the glove.

"We are to focus on the main order, mind your thoughts," Obi-Wan says. I walk to them and stop by them. "Now, let's check the security." I walk to a balcony that I haven't been able to try looking off of yet.

"Never in a million years would I expect myself to be here. I thought myself a street rat," I say to Anakin who I know is behind me. "It's wonderful up here. Truly wonderful." I see him come next to me from the corner of my eye. The gentle wind crosses my face. "So, what's kept you alive?" I joke.

"Just thinking a lot," Anakin replies.

"About?" I jokingly ask.

"Many things," he says, not even looking at me.

"I'm not getting it out of you am I?" I ask. He shakes his head. I look away and bite my lip. I can't start having feelings for him, we both aren't allowed. I feel him look at me, but I keep my head away.

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