Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

My dreams started off very nicely.... but turned to chaos. I saw Anakin choking me using the force. I couldn't believe why I thought of that. My eyes flutter open and I notice, I'm alone again. He left, of course. "I hate it when he does that," I mumble.

"When who does what?" Anakin's voice asks from the entrance.

"When you leave me like that," I smile at him. I sit up.

"Well you looked uncomfortable, so I let you be," he replies.

"How was I... oh," I realize. My facial expression showed from my dream. "It wasn't you."

"Then what was it?" he helps me stand up.

"A stupid dream. One I know isn't going to come true," I laugh a little. I let my robe cover me completely. He leads me to the door and to the viewing room with the other Jedi. Most not even really here. I see the holograms of Ki-Andi-Mundi and Aayla Secura and Yoda. There's a couple more. No Obi-Wan. Mace is here in person, waiting for me and Annie.

"Master Kenobi has made contact with Grevious," someone says. Mace turns to Anakin and looks at him, completely ignoring the fact I'm even here.

"Anakin, make this notice to the Chancellor," Mace orders. "His reaction will give us a clue to his intentions." Anakin lets go of whatever grip he had on my hand.

"Yes Master," he replies and walks off. I stay here. I try to keep my hands off my stomach at all costs. Mace looks at Annie as he walks away.

"Something wrong, Master Windu?" I ask innocently. He changes his focus to me.

"Doubts," is all he has in reply. "I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi. The dark side of the force surrounds the chancellor."

"So you think," I fade off.

"If he does not give up his emergency powers, after the end of Grevious, he would be removed from office," Mundi says.

"The Jedi would have to take control of the Senate in order to secure a calm and peaceful transition," Mace adds.

"Great care, we must take," Yoda says. I knew I had a reason not to really trust Palpatine. I look down at my hands.

"Should I inform Senator Amidala?" I ask.

"No, but go with her," Windu says. I nod and walk off. I bite my lip hard as I walk on to Padme's room. I reach her room and I walk in.

"Mara, what are you doing here?" she asks.

"Padme, you know how many say I'm the order's 'favorite'?" I ask.

"Yes. What about it?" she replies. I walk a bit closer to her.

"Why do I feel like I'm not? I feel as if they're pushing me away. Even if I've never doubted them. Not as far as they know," I say. I gasp as voices come in my head.

"Even to save your wife from certain death," the chancellor's voice says. There's a pause.

"What did you say?" Anakin's voice replies.

"Use my knowledge, I beg you," the voice belonging to the chancellor says. I hear a lightsaber turn on.

"You're the Sith Lord," Anakin says. I gulp in my body.

"I know what's been troubling you. Listen to me, don't continue to be a pawn of the Jedi council. Ever since I first met you, you've been searching for a life greater than an ordinary Jedi. A life of significance. Much like your Mara," the evil man says. "Are you going to kill me?"

"I would certainly like to," Anakin's voice hisses.

"I know," Palpatine whispers. "I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. Makes you stronger." I hear the lightsaber turn off.

"I'll turn you over to the Jedi council," Anakin says.

"Know the power of the dark side. Know the power to save your Mara," is the last I hear from the chancellor. The voices disappear. I stare wide eyed at the bright orange couches. My hands balled up. I knew it. I KNEW I had a good reason to not trust that man. I walk out quickly and I try to find a way to find Anakin.

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