Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

My mind shifts to Anakin, almost immediately, as I close my eyes. I picture him, how he looked at me when he called me a liar. How much anger and heartbreak was in his eyes and voice. Those three words that he shouted echo in my head. "I HATE YOU!" it shouts in my head. I feel the ship land and I sit and stand up immediately. A trickle of water runs down my leg. Oh no. My eyes get wide and Obi-Wan notices it. He rushes me in on a bed and a birthing droid comes and is prepping me. Another contraction comes, it hurts really bad. I scream a bit.

"It's alright, you'll be fine," a floating droid says to me to comfort me. It zooms off and a screen shows an x-ray of my stomach. I see two bodies. Not one, but two. Twins?

A sharp pain comes to me, it's not me though. It's Anakin. I feel another pain, this time it is me. This one is far worse than the contractions. I ready myself, the baby's coming. One of them at least. I push with all my might, then I hear a baby crying. Obi-Wan walks to me, far from where the babies are coming from.

"Isita, boydo," the droid holding the baby says. I have no idea what that means. Obi-Wan looks at the crying infant and looks back at me.

"It's a boy," he says. I know just the name for him.

"Luke," I sigh. Obi-Wan takes the boy in his arms and shows me him. He's beautiful. He has his father's lips. And my eyes. The pain comes again. The other is coming. I try and push, but I'm getting weaker.

"Ooba, Ooba," the droid says. I push, using all of my strength. I hear the crying again. I calm my breathing again. "Isita, boyda."

"A girl," Obi-Wan says.

"Leia," I say. She has my dark hair color and brown eyes, like Anakin's mother, as far as Padme's descriptions. She's beautiful as well. I relax myself as Obi-Wan gives the twins to the droid to clean.

Later on, I'm all dressed again and I got to hold my children. Leia is so small, I sense a tough woman to come of her. Luke is a lot like his father, strong and stubborn. He has the sense of pure innocence in him, he'll turn to be a great man. I have to make a choice. I think I have to give them up. If I keep them, Anakin will come for me, kill me at most. Then turn the children. Split them, we all must split. How will I hide?

Obi-Wan walks in as I am holding young Luke. I look up at him, showing my skills of quieting an infant. "I must discuss the children's fate. With all of you," I whisper. I get up and place a sleeping Luke next to his sister in a bed. I turn around and follow Obi-Wan. I get a strange feeling, a feeling of serious change. "There's still good in him," I sigh. They all think I'm dead. I'd like it to stay that way.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" a deep voice says in my head. Is that... No it couldn't be... Annie...

The babies come with us on a ship and I sit with Senator Organa, Yoda and Obi-Wan. "We have to split them. From me, from the Sith. Just... where?" I sigh.

"My wife and I will take the girl. We've always wanted a daughter," Organa says. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Take good care of Leia," I smile. "And Luke.. what do we do with him?"

"His aunt and uncle. On Tatooine," Obi-Wan says. "I will keep an eye on him."

"I will. After all, if he's as special as you all expect him to be, I deserve to guide him there," I spit out. Yoda nods at me.

"A gift, I like to give you Mara," he says. "Come." He hops off the chair and leads me to a private room. I look down to him. He jumps on a chair and I get on one knee. "To live for the while, some time you must be given," he says. He points a finger out. I look at him with shock.

"Master Yoda, I can't possibly take life from you," I say.

"Age, I have plenty. Time, you are running out of and give to you I can," he says. "Calm, you must be." He puts his finger on my forehead and I close my eyes. Many memories flash in my head. I get the memory of just now, and giving birth. Then it goes to the three dreaded words. It goes to when I was being choked by Annie. It shows me putting on my cloak and going to Padme's ship. It shows my reaction to Obi-Wan telling me about Anakin. It goes to when Annie came by to see if I was safe. Then it shows Padme dying in front of me. It shows when I told Anakin I was pregnant. It goes to when I was told I was the Order's favorite. It shows my wedding. It goes to when Anakin saved my life and got his hand cut off. It shows when I kissed Anakin for what I thought was the last time. It shows when Anakin held me close in the droid factory. It shows when I hugged Anakin on Tatooine and when I realized I loved him. It shows when I sadly rejected Annie. It goes to when I was playing with Anakin in the fields of Naboo. It shows when I kissed Anakin for the first time. Many memories flash quickly through my brain and I get a burning sensation on my forehead. I squint my eyes closed and feel my eyes water up. All of the flipping stops at a bright light. Then, it's all white.

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