Chapter 53

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Chapter 53:

I try to help Lando with Luke, and we're being shot at by fighters. I take Luke in my arms as Lando leaves and Leia runs out. "I'm glad you're alive," I sigh. I lead him to lie over on the healing bed so I can try and fix him. He immediately closes his eyes, but he's still breathing. The ship jolts as I'm trying to clean his sweat from his face. Leia goes to see Lando and I stay at Luke's side. I put something to cover the stub of his hand. He flinches and grunts. I stoke his cheek and shush him. "It's alright, you'll be okay, I promise," I whisper. His breath calms at my touch. "It's okay, sweetie," I lull. I can feel my head pound from Anakin, but I try and numb it a bit.

I can hear Chewy sort of whine as he walks to a room. I keep my focus on trying to heal Luke.

"Mara," Anakin's new voice says in my head.

"Father," Luke tries to sit up. Anakin told him. I'm not sure if he told about me.

"Father?" I ask him.

"Vader," Luke replies. I gulp. "You never told me."

"I-I know," I stammer, trying to hold back my emotions for a little while longer. He starts to sit up and I help him. We walk to the cockpit as I told him over my shoulder. We get there and Luke looks out.

"It's Vader," Luke mutters. Luke looks at me again. "Why didn't you tell me?" I look down and bite my lip. I have every good reason not to. If I were to tell him, he would end up having me tell him about me as well. I feel us jolt back as the hyperdrive starts to work again and Anakin gets further.

After a bit, we end up in a space station for the rebels and I help Luke in. They all usher me out of the room as they try to fix his hand. I walk in after a bit and they are testing it. It's robotic, but it looks normal.

Lando took the ship to look for Han. Chewy went with Lando. Luke, Leia and I are all together. Leia stands and looks out at the galaxy. I look to Luke and I sit on the bedside.

"Luke, what else did A-... he-... Vader tell you?" I whisper.

"He talked about my mother. How she was given the gift of youth. And that I know her," Luke replies in the same hushed tone. I look to down and put a hand on my ring. "Mara?"

"Yeah?" I choke out.

"Are you my mother?" he asked me, quieter than before. I pause for a second and think about if I should lie more or just tell him.

I nod slowly. I look up to him and he tries to process this.

"Tell me the story," he says quietly. I shake my head.

"Not now," I force a smile. I look to Leia. "Go to her. She needs the comfort." Luke nods and walks over to Leia's side. I feel my eyes water up. I don't need to hide from him anymore.

It's relieving.

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