Chapter 47

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Chapter 47:

I sit here and I feel the move in all different ways. Then I feel it dive down. I'm afraid to get up because I might hit into a wall. I see Han run out and Chewy follows. I hear a bunch of banging and cluttering. I jiggle a bit and I hear a clutter followed by an, "Ow! Chewy!" from Han. The Falcon jolts again and I try to stay still. I see Han run back to the cockpit and Chewy as well. I unstrap myself and follow them.

"What's going on? Are those asteroids?" I ask.

"You aren't actually going into an asteroid belt, are you?" Leia panics to Han.

"It's dangerous. Meaning they'd be stupid to follow us," Han focuses. He flies us into the asteroid field and sways past the floating rocks. I hear an explosion from behind us. Han's plan is working.

"You don't have to do this to impress me," Leia says.

"The odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field is-" 3PO starts.

"Never tell me the odds!" Han snaps. Han keeps swinging past the asteroids. I stare out and ahead. I try and focus, keeping me in reality and from my emotions taking over. They can't, especially right now.

I keep hearing explosions. Wow, Anakin really wants me in his grasp. I see Han zoom to a large asteroid and I kind of scoot back. Han glides across the surface and into a crater. He zooms through the canyons as well. I hear another explosion.

"This is suicide! There's nowhere to go!" 3PO whines.

"There looks good," Han points to a crater with a hole in it. He dives into the crater and into the hole. The darkness cloaks us.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Leia whispers.

"Yeah, I do too," Han mutters. This kind of frightens me. I go back to where I was sitting and I try to clear my mind. My mind betrays me.

"I found out how to save you," Anakin said.

"S-Save me?" I stuttered.

"From my nightmares," he replied.

"That's what's been bothering you?" I asked.

"I won't lose you, Mara," he whispered.

"Listen, I'm not dying anytime soon. You can count on it," I said. "I promise."

I realize, I actually kept my promise. The ships lands. The lights turn off.

The ship tilts, making me fall into a wall. I bump into my shoulder that was scarred from the beast scratching it. The ship levels again.

"Sometimes, I just don't understand human behavior," 3PO says. I hear Chewy roar. Just as I'm about to stand again, the ship tilts once more. This doubles the pain. I think my arm is bruised now. It levels again. I see Han walk out. I stand and walk to the cockpit, seeing Leia still there. She sighs.

"Issue?" I ask politely.

She turns back to see me, "Um, no."

"I just saw Han walk out smirking and you sigh. Something went on in here," I say.

"It's Han," she sighs and sits down.

"What's he doing?" I sit next to her.

"Flirting," she rolls her eyes. I feel a grin grow on my face.

"That's Han," I giggle. I sense something in her. Is that... no way. I'm going mental.

"Do you have any idea why Vader wants you so badly?" Leia changes the subject.

"Long story," I sigh and look at my hands.

"We have time," she replies.

"Long boring story," I lie. That got her to stop asking.

My mind travels to Luke. Has he encountered Yoda yet? Does Yoda remember how to classify Luke? I'm pretty sure Luke is the only human on Dogabah, he should be easy.

I can only hope.

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