Chapter 50

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Chapter 50:

"What's wrong with the Falcon?" Lando says.

"Hyperdrive," Han replies.

"Alright, I'll get my people to work on it," Lando gets up to us. We reach the inside.

"How's the gas mine, is it paying off?" Han asks.

"Not as well as I'd hoped," Lando replies. He goes off on what issues he's had. I look around as we walk, the walls are a nice ivory. Han and Lando keep going on about who knows what? I hear 3PO talk to someone, then I think I hear an astro-droid beep. R2's not here, he's with Luke. I look behind me and notice 3PO isn't there.

"Chewy, go see if 3PO went wandering," I tell him nicely. Chewy nods and walks off. I follow Leia, not much of a distance.

I feel blocked. I can't sense very well. Something about this place is blocking me from the force. I can't let them worry. I can protect myself. I think I can.

A sleepless night passes. I just sit in my bed, looking out. Something is worrying me. Something just doesn't feel right. I can't sense specifics. Leia looks out the window and I hear footsteps.

"The ship's almost finished. We'll be in great shape," Han blurts. I just hold my legs and block out everything. Something isn't right. I just don't feel safe. I can't even think of my emotions. It's like I've been locked out of my own mind.

"Something just isn't right," I mumble. Just after I'm about to access my thoughts, Chewy comes in and roars. I look back and I see him carrying parts of 3PO. "Oh my." I let go of my legs and walk over. "Where'd you find these?"

Chewy roars. "Where?" Han asks. Chewy roars again. "In a junk pile?" Han asks again.

"What was he doing in a junk pile?" I mutter as I look at the plenty of parts.

"What a mess. Chewy, do you think you can fix him?" Leia says. Chewy whimpers and roars.

"Lando has people that can fix him," Han says.

"I don't know about that," I breathe out. Just then, Lando walks in. I look back at him.

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?" Lando asks.

"No thank you," I say, hiding my annoyance. I look back at the parts of C-3PO.

"Leia, you truly look beautiful. You really do belong with us here in the clouds," Lando walks to her. I glare at the parts, stopping myself from hitting this man. My fists ball up.

"Thank you," Leia says plainly.

"Do you want to join me for refreshments?" he asks. I feel my nails poke my palm. Chewy roars. "Everyone's invited, of course," Lando adds. Everyone around me stands and I slowly look up at Lando. He doesn't seem right. "Is there a problem?"

I don't say anything. I stand up and clench my jaw. "No. Of course not," I say cruelly. I walk out in front. Han and Leia follow, along with Chewy and Lando. Lando navigates his way to the front and I try not to wander off. He talks about how they aren't ruled by the Empire. I think that's impossible nowadays. Chewy starts to whimper, making me feel uneasy. Now, something feels wrong. There's maybe something out of place. We stop at a door. Lando opens the door and I hear and see something I really didn't want to.

Anakin. Darth Vader. I look to Lando and Vader stands. My thoughts all come back to me now, and I feel Anakin's emotions as they are so strong. He's only ten feet away from me. Han pulls out his blaster and shoots it at Anakin. He puts his hand up and stops the bullets.

"You lied to us," I growl at Lando. I start to back up, but Lando grabs my arm, keeping me in place. Anakin takes Han's blaster.

"We would be honored, if you would join us," Anakin says. His voice different. A bounty hunter comes from the protection of a wall, who looks like that Jango Fett one from years ago. I hear troopers come behind us. I whimper.

"I had no choice, they arrived right before you did," Lando says. "I'm sorry." I'm too afraid of Anakin to even produce real words.

Han grabs Leia's hand, reminding me of Anakin and I from when we were young. "I'm sorry too," Han says. Lando escorts me to the seat right next to Anakin. My heart speeds up. I feel my emotions sky rocket. I squeeze my eyes closed, hoping everything will just end and I can just be invisible. I rest my arms on my lap, the bounty hunter puts them on the arm rests and my wrists become bound.

My breathing speeds up and I try to wiggle out. They take Chewy away as an alarm like noise makes him vulnerable. As soon as Chewy leaves and I think is imprisoned, the alarm stops.

"Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you," Anakin says.

"You've hurt me enough," I growl. I look away and try not to let my emotions take me over and let my eyes cry. Anakin doesn't seem too pleased with what I said.

"Take her," he orders. They tightly grip my arms and the cuffs unlock. I stand up and they put my arms behind my back. They grab Han and Leia and separate them. They lead us to a room and they take Han in and Anakin follows. A minute passes and then I hear Han scream. I start to fidget.

"Let him go," I whimper. The screaming stops and Anakin comes out. A stormtrooper has me tightly. Lando walks to Anakin.

"Lord Vader," Lando says. Anakin walks to the bounty hunter.

"You may take Solo to Jabba the Hutt after I have Skywalker," Anakin says. Anakin walks right to me. I try and back up. I look away. "Mara, you don't need to be afraid."

"I have plenty of reasons to be afraid," I whimper.

"What happened to you?" he asks.

"You broke your promise," I whisper. He makes me look at him by grabbing my cheeks.

"Only because you broke yours," he replies angrily.

"No I didn't! I'm still alive aren't I? And you lost yourself. To the worst thing possible," I growl. "Don't you see? I'm still here! You can turn back right now. Just please. I'm here."

"Take her away," Anakin says. I huff out from defeat.

"I hate you," is all I get out. They push me off. Anakin walks off with the rest of the storm troopers and Lando. I get into the cell where Chewy. The trooper takes my cuffs off and I feel my eyes water up. I didn't mean to say that last one. I can't ever hate him. I immediately just break down on the seats and I let my tears run. The door opens again and two troopers with Han all dazed drop him in here. Chewy rushes over and picks him up.

"I feel terrible," Han says. A bed pops out and Chewy leads Han to it. Another door open and Leia is shoved in here as well. She immediately goes to Han.

"Why are they doing this?" she asks. I know exactly why. Me and Luke.

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