Chapter 32

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Chapter 33:

Chewbacca does a roar of some type and I land my head in my hands. "Looks like an Imperial cruiser of some kind," Han says. I shoot my head up. My senses get stronger, Anakin's getting closer. "Try and hold them off," Han orders Chewbacca. Han starts flipping switches and my ability for flying is slowly coming back.

"Why can't we outrun them? I thought you said this thing was fast!" Luke whines. If I only knew Owen would raise a whiny brat, I would've taken Luke and raised him myself.

"Luke!" I hiss.

"Watch your mouth kiddo," Solo snaps. "Listen, we'll be safe once we make the jump to hyperspace." I relax my shoulders and look at Obi-Wan. I start hearing gunshots. That's a sign Anakin can't sense me. I start looking around and I try to see if there's anything I can do. "This is where the fun starts," Han says. Just like Anakin did a long time ago.

"How long until we can jump to lightspeed?" Obi-Wan asks calmly.

"In a few seconds as I get the coordinates from the navi-speeder," Han starts flipping switches again. I feel a jolt and we shake.

"Are you kidding? They're right there gaining!" Luke warns. I see a switch that looks useful.

"Going into hyperspace isn't like planting crops!" Solo snaps.

"What does this do?" I ask, but no one can hear me.

"We could fly right into a star or get destroyed by an asteroid," Han says as he looks through his controls. A beeping noise comes on.

"Why's that flashing?" Luke asks and points to a light. Han smacks his hand away and it almost hits me.

"Go buckle up! I'm going to make the jump to lightspeed," Han orders. I nod and run back to where I was sitting. I don't get to my seat in time, I almost whack into a wall as I feel the speed rise suddenly. Obi-Wan tugs at my arm and leads me back to where we were sitting. I sit down and buckle up. So many memories, just by saying unrehearsed things.

"Where's.. the princess?" I ask in a very hushed tone. Obi-Wan shrugs in reply. He stands up and me makes Luke as well.

"I think it is time to start your training," Obi-Wan says to Luke. Luke turns on a lightsaber. That's not just any lightsaber, it was Anakin's. I widen my eyes and look at my hands. Luke starts to focus and Obi-Wan watches. I sense something wrong. He starts to wobble and I lift my head up. Luke turns off his saber.

"Are you alright?" Luke asks.

"I felt a great disturbance in the force. Did you?" he looks at me. I nod slightly. Luke looks at me with shock.

"She's one too?!" he asks. I stay silent and look down.

"It was like millions of voice just screamed and cried in terror," I mutter.

"I feel something terrible has happened," Obi-Wan says. "But, you should go back to your training." I hear footsteps.

"You can forget your worries about the Imperial slugs!" Han walks in all happy-go-lucky. He sits by Obi-Wan. Chewy and R2 are playing a game. It looks violent. R2 beeps and Chewy roars. 3Po examines the move.

"He made a fair move. Screaming won't do anything," 3PO says.

"I must say it's not wise to upset a Wookie," Han warns.

"But no one worries about upsetting a droid," 3PO replies.

"Yeah, because droids don't rip people's arms out of their sockets when they get mad," Solo says. He's totally right.

"Wookies are known to do that kind of thing," I add. Chewy puts his hands behind his head, as if saying, 'Yeah, that's right!' 3Po shoots his head to Solo again.

"I see your point," C-3PO says. He leans in to R2, "I suggest a new strategy. Let the Wookie win." I huff out a laugh and roll my eyes. Chewy's gotten a strange bond to me already. Chewy roars. I look to Luke again and I watch him concentrate. I'm very impressed, he's a quick learner, like me.

"Remember a Jedi can feel the force flow through them," Obi-Wan says to Luke.

"It controls your actions?" Luke asks, still focused.

"Not exactly," I whisper. "It obeys your commands as you listen to it's." The practice droid hits Luke in his thigh. I jump from worry. Han starts laughing.

"Keep falling back on that hocus-pocus and ancient weapons are no competition for a blaster," Han says.

"The ancient weapons actually have an interesting history. Don't trash what you don't know about," I hiss. Luke turns off his saber.

"You don't believe in the force, do you?" Luke asks Solo.

"It served Luke's parents well. Very talented and brave they were," Obi-Wan says.

"I've flown from one side of the galaxy to the other, I've seen a lot of weird things. Nothing that would make me believe there's this all powerful 'force' managing everything," Han replies. If I weren't so secretive of my abilities, I'd show this guy what the force really is. "There's no mystical energy shield controlling my destiny and fate. It's a lot of simple tricks and nonsense," Han mutters. I roll my eyes at this man's ignorance.

"I say to try it again, Luke," I pipe up. I look to Obi-Wan and he grabs a blinding helmet and gives it to Luke.

"And this time, let go of your conscious self and act on instinct," Obi-Wan says. I remember this exercise. Passed every time. Obi-Wan puts the helmet on Luke and I sense Luke kind of freak out.

"But.. I can't see anything," Luke says. "How can I fight?"

"Your eyes can deceive you," Obi-Wan says. Luke kind of nods and turns on the saber again. The droid turns on and Luke preps himself. I doubt he will get this on the first try. It shoots him. "Stretch out with your feelings," Obi-Wan says. Luke preps himself again. He finally gets it. A smile grows on my face. "Quick, just like your mother," Obi-Wan smiles. I'm flattered. Luke takes off the helmet and turns off the saber.

"I call it luck," Han sneers behind us. I roll my eyes and my smile fades away.

"There's no such thing as luck to me," Obi-Wan says.

"Hey, good against robots is one thing, good against living people is another," Han says. This idiot, I swear.

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