Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

I hold my big belly, I'm stuck in here. Anakin's at the Jedi Council, I'm excused for a fake reason. My 'reason' is to help Padme with plans for her Senate discussion. Stupid enough to believe. Obi-Wan came by earlier, I had to hide my stomach. He was worried about Anakin.

I heard they were going to send out Obi-Wan for the Grevious mission. Very good choice, in my opinion. If they put Anakin on the mission, I'm going with him. I don't care if I'll get in trouble by him, I'm not going to let him just go alone. Even if Palpatine would want him to go.

I've been thinking of names for the baby. I really like the letter 'L' for some reason. Lance and Luke for a boy and Lissa and Leia for a girl. I don't know the gender of the baby. I wish I did, though.

For some strange reason, I'm starting to lose trust in the Chancellor and the clones. It's been bugging me a lot recently. I just feel that there's something not right. It may just be my pregnancy or something. It's increasing in the past month or so. Ever since I saw how close Anakin was to Palpatine, and the event on the command ship, things have just been very weird.

The door opens and I sit up straight. Padme walks in the door. I sigh and lie back again. "Disappointed?" she asks.

"No, just thought you were Anakin. I was getting a bit worried," I force a smile. She walks to me and sits down and puts a hand on my head.

"I'm sure he's fine," she says.

"But... what if he is to go to Utapau? And something went wrong? And what if I have to go on alone?" I ramble.

"Sh. You're worrying too much," she smiles and pets my hair. "He's fine, I believe that he wouldn't leave you like this. Especially not now."

"I guess you're right," I sigh and relax a bit. The door opens again and I sit up straight like I did before. Anakin walks in with his head down. "Annie!" I say cheerfully. He lifts up his head and I smile at him. "You're back. Who did they decide to go? Obi-Wan?"

"Yes. Padme, do you mind?" he asks politely.

"Of course," she nods and walks out. Not without smiling at me once more. I try to stand up.

"No, it's okay," he comes and sits next to me.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He looks at my tummy, then my necklace, then my face. I gaze into the blue eyes I adore.

"I don't like lying to everyone. I just want them to know," he sighs. I put my hand on his cheek.

"Annie.. We've discussed this," I whisper.

"I know," he replies.

A few minutes later, the cloak of sleep covers me. I lie on Anakin politely, but comfortably. My dreams are so calm, so happy. I wouldn't be shocked if I have a smile on my face. I feel my head drop. I open my eyes and see Anakin standing. I sit up. "Are you alright?" I ask.

"Has Obi-Wan been here?" he asks plainly. I stand up with a bit of trouble.

"Yeah. This morning," I smile.

"Why was he here?" he asks, slowly turning to me.

"He was worried about you. He said you were under a lot of stress," I sigh. I tuck in my necklace with the ring on it. I walk off to get a drink, my throat feels dry. I get a glass of water.

"I feel lost," Annie says. I take a sip and look back at him.

"What do you mean by lost?" I ask. He looks at me and starts to walk very slowly to me.

"Obi-Wan and the council don't trust me," he sighs.

"Annie, I would know, they trust you with their lives," I say.

"Something's happening," he says. He reaches me. "I'm not the Jedi I should be." This shocks me. "I want more. And I know I shouldn't," he fades off. I make him look at me.

"You expect too much of yourself," I sigh. He puts his hands on my hips.

"I found a way to save you," he looks me dead in the eyes. I'm a bit confused.

"S-Save me?" I stammer.

"From my nightmares," he plays with my loose hair.

"That's what's bothering you?" I ask, keeping my focus on him.

"I'm not going to lose you Mara," he sighs.

"Like I said, I'm not dying anytime soon. You can count on it," I smile. "I promise."

"No. I promise you," he strokes my cheek with his index finger. I bite my lip. I really don't know how to reply to that.

"Just don't lose yourself," I breathe. "Annie... I'm still a bit tired. I must sleep." He nods and leads me back to the couch. He sits down and I lie my head on his chest. I close my eyes and fall asleep. I don't really care if it's like noon, I'm tired.

I Broke the Rule (Anakin Skywalker love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora