Chapter 44

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Chapter 44:

I chew on my thumb to hope to relax my worries. I worry too much, I just noticed that. What if Luke got frostbite? What if something or someone in the Empire found him and he's under Anakin's imprisonment? What if Anakin tells Luke about who I really am? What if Luke got bored of us and just ran off? What if, what if, what if... I sigh and I try and calm my nerves. I can only hope Han finds him and they both return safely. That is my only hope for now. I see 3PO pass me.

"3PO, where's R2?" I ask.

"Out there, searching for Master Luke's signal. He said that he tries his hardest and he cannot find him. But he said his signal is too weak for further distances," 3PO replies. I nod and go back to my thoughts and worries. Come on, Obi-Wan, I can use your back up right now. Is Luke okay? Is he alive?

"Come on, a little reassurance could work right about now," I mutter.

"Sir, all the patrols are in. Still no-" a man talks to another. The other notices me around. They hush their voices.

"Please tell me he's okay, Obi-Wan," I mumble, hoping no one heard me. I place one hand on my ring, dug deep under my clothes.

"Your highness, there's nothing more we can do tonight, we must close up," a man tells. I look back and jog over to them.

"What do you mean? We can't," I panic.

"No, Mara, it's alright," Leia says sadly.

"Close the doors," the man tells the other. They walk off.

"You're just going to give up?" I worry.

"I'm not giving up," she sighs.

"Then what are you doing?" I ask. She looks down at the ground. No response. I look behind next to where R2 is and I see Chewy, head against a pole, losing hope as well. I walk to Chewy and I pet him. "It's alright, I still think they're out there," I whisper to the Wookie. My heart breaks as the doors shut. My eyes water up. As soon as the doors shut, Chewy roars. I look to Leia. I walk to her and I open my arms. She falls into them and I hold her like any mother would do with their child. I close my eyes and rest my chin on her shoulder. I think of my memories, all I've been through. I just hope they haven't gone to waste. I let Leia go and I sit on the ground. R2 and 3PO look to me. They know my real identity. They are the only ones who know. I don't even think Chewy knows.

I look to 3PO. "3PO, you know you are not to tell anyone about me," I inform.

"Yes, Mara. Only we know as far as we're concerned. As long as R2 doesn't go blabbing it about to everyone, your secret's safe with us," C-3PO replies. R2 beeps. I look down and I hold my ring. I close my eyes once more and I get the image of Anakin.

I see him. His loose brown hair. His dazzling smile that lit up the room and every kiss we had. His admiring blue eyes that looked like the calmest waters and the bluest skies. His sweet kiss that stained my lips from oh so long ago. His soothing rusky voice that was so soft as he whispered and so powerful when he spoke. His little scar over his eye that he got from a minor battle. His soft skin that brushed against mine when we were so close. He gentle heartbeat that thumped next to mine when our chests were pressed together. His soft hands that fit in my fingers as they entwined.

I realize the image has made a tear stream down my cheek. I miss him. So much. And I know, I'll never be able to see my Annie ever again.

My Annie.

And I'm his Mara. And I always will be.

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