Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

I hear the clashes over and over again. I really hope neither of them are killed. Their clashes get further from me. Soon enough, it gets very faint, but I can still hear them. I flutter my eyes open and I catch my breathing. I can't even look at them. I look at my outstretched arm. My cloak flares on the ground. I can feel my eyes water up and a tear runs across my nose and to the ground. I've been betrayed, we all have. Betrayed by the man I fell in love with. The man I married. The man that is the father to my child. I feel so stupid for falling for him. None of this would have happened if I hadn't. He wouldn't have the need to take up Sideous's offer to stop me from dying. I feel as if this is all my fault.

A shoot up of lava makes me jump. I try to keep my place, just in case Anakin comes back. I hope he lives. I don't care how evil he has become, he's good. I know it. His intentions were good, he was trying to save me. Our child too. And he just got twisted on the way by Sideous. He wouldn't have hurt me intentionally, Obi-Wan just scared him. He thought I lost hope in him. But I never can. I love him too much.

Curse my damn emotions. They twist my mind, betraying me with hopeful thoughts against logic. If only I hadn't looked at Anakin that time about thirteen years ago. If only I didn't kiss him that time on Naboo about three years ago. I wouldn't have started anything. If only I hadn't told him I love him. If only I hadn't actually fell in love with him. Perhaps if I just distanced myself like I should have a long time ago.

I twitch my fingers, making sure I can still move them. I close my eyes, squeezing out more tears. They soak into the hood of my cloak. This cloak now has a new meaning to me. Betrayal. Love and betrayal. I relax my eyelids and I lick my bottom lip. I can still taste Anakin's lips. Sweet and soft.

I can see my reflection on the silver ship. I lie lazily here, one arm outstretched and one bent and overlapping the other. I would mistake myself for being dead. I see my lightsaber in the reflection. It lies by my feet.

I think of what Anakin said. I've always wanted to be powerful. And he said he could teach me all he knows. But I guess it's too late now.

I hear an alarm of some sort. I look around with just my eyes. What's going on? The lava's getting rowdy and I am starting to panic on the inside. I should be safe.... right? I think Anakin would at least make sure my body is safe, right? I hear puffs and more lava shooting up. I really hope they're alright. I hear thumps, faint but they're there. Something squeaks loudly, like metal against metal. A splat of lava misses my index finger just barely. I can feel the heat. I hear more explosions of lava and something crash down into the magma. Was that a structure?

My focus goes to the ring lying on my arm. It's still around my neck. I clench my fists as another explosion booms. I get a strange feeling. In the pit of my heart. The tingling sensation of adrenalin. I can still feel Annie. My lips part slightly. Annie and I are connected by heart still. I feel fear, distrust, brokenhearted, anger, power, and yearning. He's so confused. I can tell. Now, the fear really kicks in. Then it fades a bit, but it's still there. Anger replaces it. The lust for revenge overpowers him. The voices come in my head.

"I have failed you Anakin. I've failed you," Obi-Wan's voice says.

"I should've known the Jedi were planning to take over," Anakin's voice says. Good, he's still alive.

"Anakin! Palpatine is evil!" Obi-Wan shouts.

"To me, you and the Jedi are evil," Anakin replies.

"Then you're lost!" Obi-Wan yells. The voices fade. I ball up my fists. For a flash, Anakin is angry, then frightened, then yearning. But for what? Me? But he should think I'm dead... I close my eyes gently and Anakin's feelings get stronger, as if he's getting closer. I hear Anakin yell, not just voices in my head, but in reality. I feel a large amount of pain. I flinch my whole body. My legs and right arm feel tingly. I try to calm myself, but I can't. "You were the chosen one!" Obi-Wan's real voice shouts. It's a bit faint. "It said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them!" I feel the pain again. Darth Maul's eye comes in my head again. Then I realize, that's Anakin's face I'm picturing. His admiring blue eyes are gone.

"I HATE YOU!" Anakin's voice yells. More tears stream from my eyes. I wish I could get up, run to him and calm him down. But there's no calming him now.

"You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!" Obi-Wan shouts. I get an intense burning feeling in my legs, and it climbs up my body. I hold back a scream with all my might. Anakin's in serious pain, I can feel every ounce of it. I can hear Anakin's scream. I flex all of my muscles, struggling to hold back my cry of pain. The pain doesn't go away and hear Obi-Wan come up. I move my head up to him.

"O-Obi-Wan?" I stutter in a normal voice that isn't exactly shouting. The burning in my body makes me clench my eyes shut. I let out a small whimper. I hear C-3PO come out. I try and get to my knees. "H-Hurry," I whimper. Obi-Wan comes over to me and helps me up. I quickly walk into the ship. I lie on the bed and I try to ignore the pain in my stomach. Contraction. "Is.. is Anakin okay?" I ask. He doesn't reply. I can feel the ship lift off.

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