Chapter 35

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Chapter 35:

"Get me a scanning crew! Quickly!" the other voice orders. The feeling of Anakin gets further, letting my emotions take balance. I don't move, I hear another clone come in. And then, there's more. They pass where I'm hiding, apparently their technology for their suits hasn't advanced.

"No one is here," a clone says to another. They walk out and off the ship. My mind moves to Anakin, is it actually possible he hasn't forgotten about me completely? Is it possible that he knows I'm still alive? Can it be that he knows we're connected? Han and Luke break my concentration. They pop up from the floor panel and I come into the light, looking like I did when I was eighteen. Obi-Wan pops out of a different floor panel.

"I swear, they need to work on those troopers' minds. They've gotten stupider," I mumble.

"This ridiculous, even if I were to lift off, we can't get out of here, It's too guarded," Han says in a low voice, "Also, that tractor beam."

"Leave that to me," Obi-Wan starts to get up.

"Are you sure?" I whisper.

"Yes," Obi-Wan replies.

"Weird, I would've thought she would offer up," Han sits on the side of the panel.

"The name's Mara," I force a smile to my face. Chewy pops his head up out of the panel. Han pets his head. I try and see if I can load up my blaster. I see the people outside have scanning equipment. Oh no. I move away from my area and I move to another dark area. Han, Luke, and Chewy have this in the bag. Han calls to the troops.

"Hey! Can you give us some help?" he fakes. I walk out into the open and they see me. I put up both my hands and I take their guns. Han and Luke begin to take out the clones and take their uniforms. Gunshots are made and the troops fall to the ground. One stirs a bit and I kick him in his chest.

"That was for Padme," I hiss. Han and Luke put on the uniforms and I give them the blasters. I run out and Han, Chewy, and Obi-Wan follow. We get to the top of the overlook and I stand quietly at the door. Han and Chewy stand in front. I roll my wrists, making sure I'm still nimble. I ready my blaster. The door opens and the man at the door has to process this in his head. Han smacks the man down and I kick him so he won't get up. I hear Luke run up from behind us and I look out to the Falcon. R2 and 3PO are in and Luke shuts the door.

"It's a wonder that the Wookie's howling and your blasting that the whole station has no idea we're here," Luke snaps.

"Then bring them on! I rather have a straight fight instead of all the sneaking," Han says.

"R2, plug into the computer outlet," I order nicely. "Then we can get into the whole Imperial network." R2 does as I ordered and he connects to the computer. Just like in the command ship a long time ago. R2 beeps.

"He says he has found the system to the main control beam holding the ship in here. He'll make the location come on the screen," C-3PO translates. I've always been to fascinated that my Anakin made him. "The beam is in seven locations. One power loss can allow the ship to leave." I nod as I try to process this.

"I can handle it," Obi-Wan says. "I'll go alone." My eyes widen.

"Excuse me?" I snap.

"You cannot come, Mara. Things may not be simple as you may think it'll be. You said you knew what was here, correct?" Obi-Wan says. I nod slowly.

"Alright," I sigh.

"I've done more than I bargained for already," Han mutters.

"All of you, stay and watch over the droids," Obi-Wan orders. I rather stay in here than encounter Anakin. I don't think I'd be able to handle it. Luke tries to speak up, almost to protest. "They must be delivered successfully or other systems may have the same fate as Alderaan."

"Our destinies lie on different paths. Listen to me Luke," I say calmly. Obi-Wan nods to me and opens the door. "May the force be with you." I say the familiar line.

"The force will be with you, always," he replies and walks out. Luke watches him go and shuts the door as he leaves sight. Chewy roars.

"Yeah, you said it. Where'd you find that old fossil?" Han interrogates.

"Ben is a great man," Luke replies. Ben? I guess I called him by his real name the whole time.

"How'd you get with these fools?" Han asks me.

"Obi-Wan's an old friend. And Luke reminds me of his father, who was also a good friend. Before... the thing," I sigh.

"You knew my father too?" Luke asks me.

"Oh, very well," I smile. "I knew your mother too. Much like you as well. You have her eyes." I feel so mean, hiding such things from my own son.

"Well I guess they were all idiots, getting themselves killed like that," Han mutters. I'm about to break his jaw off. R2 beeps.

"What is it?" I ask. "

"I'm not sure. He says 'I found her.' And keeps repeating, 'She's here!'" C-3PO says.

"Who?" I ask with a bit of panic in my voice. 3PO looks right at me.

"Princess Leia," he says bluntly. I feel myself stop breathing for a moment. Anakin's kept our daughter here, imprisoned. She isn't dead, but she watched her home planet die.

"The-the-the p-princess?" I stammer.

"She's here?!" Luke asks.

"Princess? What's going on here?!" Han has no idea what is happening. No one knows just how shocking this is to me. R2 beeps.

"Level five, detention block A-A-23," 3PO translates. We have to find her, before... before Annie does anything.

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