Chapter 52

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Chapter 52:

We walk the halls, people pushing Han along, following the Fett person as we go another way. I feel horrible, as if it's all my fault. I start to hear blaster shots. I snap my head to where it is. I hear R2. My eyes widen with some hope. We keep walking and I see a shadow. I know the guard saw it too, he tells us to move along. Then they start shooting and I see a glance of Luke. No. He has to go! It's a trap, Anakin's waiting for him.

"No! Go!" I warn Luke. A trooper grabs me and makes me move on. Chewy roars, seeing Luke as well. "Go! It's a trap! Run!"

"Luke! No! It's a trap!" Leia continues. The trooper shoves me in the elevator. "It's a trap!" And then Leia is in here as well. I struggle out.

"Get off me," I shake. Leia looks at me with panic in her eyes. "It's too late. He's already there for all we know," I sigh in defeat. Please just tell me Yoda taught him a lot within that time. The elevator opens and we all walk out. My hands are still bound because I still have my blaster with me. We walk as people just stare at us. But then, the people pull out their blasters and point them at us. I widen my eyes at them. Lando busts through and shakes someone's hand.

"Well done," he says. They take away the troopers' blasters and they take the troopers away. He comes up to me and takes off my cuffs, then he does Chewy's.

"Who's side are you on?" I blurt, rubbing my wrists.

"Yours. I'm getting you out of here," he says as he gets Chewy's cuffs off.

"You think that after what you did to Han that you-" Leia starts. Chewy growls and cuffs his hands around Lando's neck.

"I had no choice," Lando chokes out with whatever voice he has.

"Trust him! Trust him!" 3PO chants.

"Shut up!" I snap.

"Oh, yeah, we are going to believe that a friend lets his friend freeze because he had no choice," Leia sneers.

"I was trying to help," Lando chokes.

"Well you did a wonderful at that," I roll my eyes.

"Ha-Han," Lando chokes out.

"He sounds like he's saying Han," 3PO says.

"You still have a chance to save Han," Lando says. "The platform."

"Perfect. Chewy, come on," Leia leads. Chewy doesn't let go.

"Come on," I pry Chewy's hands off his neck. I run back to Leia. Lando runs to the front, leading the way. I pull out my blaster, ready to fire. I hear a beep, but I ignore it. I keep following them. Chewy turns and roars. Then I hear the beep again. "R2!" I cheer.

"Hurry!" Leia calls. I focus and go back to Leia and Lando. We keep running and we come to a door.

I see a ship, lifting into the air. It's the bounty hunter's ship. "No!" I yell. I aim my blaster at the ship and I shoot only once. The ship zooms off.

"Behind you!" 3PO warns. I spin around and I see the troopers. I run to cover. Lando leads and we all follow. We run to an elevator and I shoot a trooper down. I run back. The door shuts just as I get in. A minute passes and we run out the elevator, after Lando. He runs to a control for a door. It's not working.

"Security code's been changed," Lando grunts. I start to brainstorm.

"R2, you can handle this right?" I ask. R2 beeps and plugs in. Lando walks over to something and picks up a thing. He talks into it and I figure out it's an intercom device. R2 starts to jolt. I look to R2 and I start to panic. Something's not letting him. Chewy pulls R2 back. Lando looks at us and leads another way. I follow as the rest do too. We run out and into a hall where everyone is panicking their way out of the city. We snake by. I stand by R2 as he connects to another outlet. I ready my blaster. After a lot of shooting and R2 beeping, the door finally opens. I crawl under. I see the Falcon. Have I ever been happy to see that thing before. I run out and a blaster shot hits my arm. I scream.

"Get behind me!" Lando yells. I run there since there is no alternative. I inch my way to the entry of the ship and I follow Chewy on there. Everyone gets on and I run to my seat. I cover my arm, somehow hoping it would ease the pain. I feel the ship lift off.

I feel an ultimate feeling of pain in my hand. I gasp at the sudden pain. I get my sensing back. We're missing something.


"Obi-Wan..." I whisper to myself. "Where is Luke?" I get a direct point in my head. I jolt up and I run to the cockpit. "We have to get Luke!" I blurt. Leia looks at me. "You know where to go," I whisper.

"What about those fighters?" Lando protests.

"What about them? Come on, Chewy. Turn around," I say. After a bit, we arrive under a platform of a city.

"Look, there he is," Lando points out.

"Go on," I direct. "Go get him Lando," I direct. I start to worry. I turn around and go back to my seat. I cover my arm again. I see Lando come back down and has a body. My breathing quickens and Lando tells Leia to go on. I look at Luke, he looks dreadful. And his hand is gone.

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