Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

I knew there was something strange about Palpatine. He's Sideous. The one that we've been after all this time. The one who trained Dooku.

I quickly walk through the halls. I need to find Anakin, I need to make sure he's not considering taking up Palpatine's request, even if it is for me. I make sure my necklace isn't showing.

"Mara!" I hear a female voice call. "Mara, stop!"

I look back and see Padme running to me. "I can't. I need to find him," I call back. She gets to me.

"What happened?" she asks, trying to catch up with her breath.

"He.. He's not..," I try to find words and collect my thoughts. "There's something not right. It's very, very wrong." I look out to where I was heading and Padme turns my head to her.

"Anakin's fine, I know it," she says as she looks me in my eyes. I blink a couple times and I calm myself. She leads me back to her room, which isn't far. I sit down and I try to keep my thoughts positive. Annie's fine, he's smart. He went to the council, they'll take care of Palpatine. I get up and walk to the window. I look out to the city I grew up in. I put my hand gracefully on the glass. The sun is setting, the sky sets off an orange glow. I blink back worried tears. I hear 3PO walk in and go to Padme. I hardly glance over my shoulder and I look back out. The sun slowly sinks below the horizon, and a navy shade covers the sky. I look down and I feel a tear run to my cheek. I really hope he's okay.

They are probably arresting Palpatine now. I doubt it'll be easy. If what I heard was right, Sideous will fight back. I get the sudden jolt of when I am near death. But I'm not, but maybe Annie is. I squeeze my eyes shut. He's killing me with my worries. I see all light, just crackling in my mind. Bright blue. Then I see all darkness. I open my eyes. Something's going on. Something went wrong. I turn away from the window. Guilt drops over me. I should be there arresting Palpatine. Not Mace, not anyone else. Me. I can handle him. I know I can. I get the image of Darth Maul's eye. The haunting red rimmed yellow. "What's going on with me?" I whisper to myself. Is the baby going to be evil or something? Is it me? It certainly isn't Anakin, he's too good. But something is hurting me, right in my heart. It stings a bit. Something's missing. I just know it. I sense something resembling surroundance. Like I'm trapped. I sit in front of Padme.

"I've always wondered about your lightsaber. May I see it?" she puts out her hand. I take it out and hand it to her. She analyzes it. I hear a small bang. It all slows down, like time has slowed for me.

The glass breaks of the window and a small dot flies to Padme's back. I gasp as the blaster bullet shoots into Padme's skin and she falls to the floor. "NO!" I scream. I get on my knees as I catch her head from falling. My lightsaber drops to the ground with a clank. Padme's wide open eyes look up at me. "Padme, please. Hold on," I feel my eyes tear up. She holds her chest, where blood is seeping through her clothes.

"T-Take m-my sh-sh-ship. It's-s-s y-yours," she chokes out. "G-G-Go t-to-o h-him."

"Padme, please. Please. I need you," I whimper. She puts her hand on my face and I hold it there. She wiggles her lips to a smile.

"You're-re the b-best friend-d a-any-one ca-an ha-av-ve," she sighs. Then, she takes her last breath. I let out a loud sob as her hand goes lifeless and slips from my grasp and drops to her chest.

"No.. No!" I cry. "Come back... Please!" I whimper. I pull her close to me, missing the heartbeat that disappeared. I will myself to just rewind time. But I know I can't...

Why would they kill her? Or maybe... they were trying to kill me.. But why?

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