Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:

I pull back my hand. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Looking for a pilot. This Wookie, here, is going to show us to his friend," Obi-Wan says. I watch the Wookie start to walk to that smuggler.

"Solo?" I ask. "His name fits him. All he does is hang around furball. I think the Wookie's name is Chewbacca or something. Do you want me to come with you?"

"Yes," Obi-Wan says. We all start to follow the Wookie. I lower my voice.

"Have you told him anything about his parents?" I whisper.

"His mother and father were killed by Vader," he says. I look at him and nod. It's partially true. The song changes in the background. I toss hair from my face as we all sit down. The smuggler looks at me and then at Luke. I bet he thinks we're siblings.

"Han Solo, I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewy here, says you're looking for transport to the Alderaan system," Solo says.

"So what if we are? Here's the dealbreaker, is it a fast ship?" I ask with a bit of attitude in my voice. I've been in this place way too much.

"Is it a fast ship," Han mocks. "Have you ever heard of the Millennium Falcon?" I shake my head, looking uninterested. I think I'm intimidating him. "It's the ship that made the kessel run in less than twelve parsets." I look to Han and I show a bit more interest. I haven't flown in ages. I think I still remember how. "I've outrun Imperial Starships. And I'm not talking about the cruiser ships, I'm talking about the fast ones." I tilt my head. "Fast enough for you little lady?"

"I guess," I cock an eyebrow.

"What's the cargo?" he asks.

"Myself, the boy, the girl, two droids," Obi-Wan says, "and no questions asked." He's still got it in him. Han grows a smile.

"What, some kind of local trouble?" Solo asks.

"We would just like to avoid any Imperial trouble," I smirk. Han sits back.

"Well that's the trick isn't it? And it's going to cost you something extra," Solo looks at me.

"Don't even think about it," I roll my eyes. He looks to Obi-Wan.

"Ten thousand, all in advance," Solo says. What a pig. I bet he's trying to get money to pay off debts.

"Ten thousand?" Luke asks in shock. "We can almost buy a ship ourselves for that."

"But who's going to fly it?" Han asks. I'm not sure if I want to offer myself for it, I'm not sure I remember my skills. "You?" Solo asks Luke.

"You bet I could! I'm not a bad pilot myself. Come on, this is a waste of time," Luke starts to try and stand up. Obi-Wan sits him down again.

"We can pay you two thousand now, and fifteen when we reach Alderaan," Obi-Wan says. How in the world will he get that kind of money?!

Han is very interested in this offer. "Seventeen?" he asks. Obi-Wan nods. "Alright, you guys got yourself a ship. We'll leave as soon as you're all ready. Remember, ninety-four."

"Ninety-four," Obi-Wan echoes. Han looks behind me. I look over my shoulder. Troopers. Great, just what I need. Probably after my last kill. The bartender points at us. The troopers start to walk to us. I widen my eyes and look at my hands. Luke nudges me and we walk out. I try to keep up my ability to snake through a crowd. I still got it. We get into the light and I squint.

"What droids?" I hiss to Obi-Wan.

"R2 and C-3PO," he whispers back. I feel a jump of happiness in my head. I haven't seen those two in years. "You'll have to sell your speeder, Luke," Obi-Wan says. Obi-Wan nudges my hip. I look at his hand and I see my old lightsaber. I grow a smile and take it. I put it away so it can't be seen. I haven't held my lightsaber in forever. We keep walking.

I get the image of a large, grey sphere with a laser on it. I don't know what it means or what it is.

Luke sells his ship and I get the feeling of Anakin, in my chest. Obi-Wan notices me and he puts a hand on my back. "You'll be fine. You've lasted this long, I know you can handle it. Why aren't you so open with your saber?" he whispers.

"If I show Luke, he'll want some answers about me," I whisper back.


"And, he can't know. Not yet. I'll sound like a coward," I say.

"I can't believe this, ever since that new model came out-" Luke starts, interrupting our conversation.

"It'll be enough," Obi-Wan says. We walk away. I feel like there's something following us. I don't dare look back. "If the ship is as fast he says it is, we'll do well." We turn a corner and I see that Chewbacca Wookie. We go into a door and the droids follow us. I let down my hair so no one recognizes me. I see this Millennium Falcon. Not bad, I've seen much better. Like Padme's ship, in which I have no idea where it is anymore.

"What a piece of junk!" Luke complains.

"Stop. It's all we have," I hiss.

"It may not look like much but she's got what counts," Han says. "I've made a lot of special modifications myself." I look and see a loose wire.

"I can see that," I mutter.

"Now, we're in a little rush, so come along now," Han tries to make us go on. I follow R2-D2, and Han looks at me. I give him a stern look and he looks away. I sense danger. I try and walk on.

"Stop that ship!" a voice says from the side. I look to the entrance of the place and I see clones. I try and pull out my blaster. Han tries to shoot back at them.

"Han, come on!" I call. I hit maybe four troopers. I run into the ship. Han shuts the door and runs past me.

"Chewy get us out of here!" Han runs to the cockpit and I follow. I sit next to Obi-Wan and I strap myself in. I feel the ship lift off and I have a flashback of when I went to Mustafar in Padme's ship. The same feeling comes over me as we exit the atmosphere. I rest my elbows on the table.

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