Chapter 56

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Chapter 56:

We're in the Dune Sea, where sand is waved across the horizon. The moving animals graze across the sand. Han and Luke on a separate hover vehicle from Leia and I. I am still closely watched, just not by Boba. Music blares in here, giving me a headache. I see R2 unwillingly be the waiter to everyone. I'm in the smoky chambers of Jabba and Leia looks out the window. After a bit, Jabba tugs Leia to him. She falls on his blubber. He talks to her and she tries to rid of his grossness. Oh geez, I feel bad for her. I feel the hover vehicle come to a stop and I look out the window. I feel the dry air.

I see a plank form out and Luke up to go first. I can't see the beast from this way. Luke looks down and sees it. Jabba speaks.

"Victims of mighty Zarlack, he hopes you will die honorably," 3PO speaks into the microphone. "If any of you want to beg for mercy, the great Jabba the Hutt will listen to your pleas."

"3PO! You tell that slimy piece of worm junk, that he'll get no such pleasure from us!" Han yells. Fearless, and stupid.

Jabba rubs my arm, grossing me out a bit. Who does he think he is?

"Jabba! This is your last chance! Bargain, or die!" Luke goes on. I roll my eyes. Everyone in here laughs. Jabba speaks into the microphone. I think he said to get Luke ready. I stare out the way.

They push Luke to the end of the plank. He nods to Lando. I wasn't aware of this plan. Luke salutes to R2. Jabba speaks again. The creature behind Luke starts to walk to him and Luke hops off and hangs onto the edge of the plank. R2 launches Luke's saber to him and I ready my blaster. Luke hops back up on the ship and catches his saber. He starts to attack the people. One falls and into the mouth of the beast. Everyone in here starts to panic. I don't think they've seen anyone smart enough to come free. I start seeing blaster shots. I stay put because Boba is still in here. He might attack me. I see Boba run out and jet off to the other ship. I start to fight. I snake through the crowd, shaking off anyone who tries to hold me back. I hear Jabba throw a fit behind me. I look to Leia, seeing her get up. I wonder what she's doing. I feel another person try to hold me back. I kick them without even looking and I keep making my way through. The lights shut off behind me and I hear a scream. I try to aim my blaster at the people attacking Luke.

I miss a couple of times. The ship holding Han reaching out to Lando starts to get shot at. Someone kicks my back and I yell in pain. I press up against the fence. I see Luke jump over here. He climbs up and I elbow the person behind me. I shoot him dead. Luke starts to go on a rampage. I try to see if I can help out, but he won't seem to let me. I start to see if I can find R2 and Leia again. Leia finds her way up here and Luke tells her to get a gun. Someone shoots at Luke's hand and I kill him. Luke runs to Leia and I charge my jump. I jump to the other ship and I land in a squat. Luke and Leia swing over and I dust off my knees.

"Let's go, and don't forget the droids," Luke commands. Lando starts the hover vehicle and we zoom. I watch Jabba's place collapse on itself. We stop and I tie my hair again. I watch the other ship blow up as we zoom off again.

We come to the good ole Millennium Falcon. Luke takes his X-Wing as I pile on the Falcon. I run to my beloved seat. I start to feel better as we leave the atmosphere of Tatooine.

"Meet you back at the fleet," Luke says over the communications.

"Hey Luke. Thanks. Thanks for coming after me. Now I owe you one," Han says. Luke is going to the Dagobah system. Probably to relieve himself of me.

I place my hand on my ring, letting my feelings balance and myself calm. I close my eyes after a while passes.

"Master Yoda, is Darth Vader my father? And Mara my mother?" Luke's voice asks in my head.

"I must rest. Rest," Yoda's voice ignores Luke's question.

"Yoda, I need to know," Luke's voice replies.

"Both are correct," Yoda says. My true identity is out there, now. I need to hide no longer. All I need to do now is find a way to tell Luke my story and find out when the time is right. "Told you, did they?" Yoda asks.

"Yes," Luke replies.

"Unexpected for him," Yoda says. He knows I had to spill one day or another. "Unfortunate."

"Unfortunate that I know the truth?" Luke asks.

"No. Unfortunate that you rushed to face him. You were to complete your training. Not ready for the burden for you," Yoda replies.

"I'm sorry," Luke sighs.

"Remember that a Jedi's strength, flows through the Force. And remember, anger, fear, pathways to the dark side, they are. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it be in your destiny. Luke, do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor," Yoda's voice gets strange. "After I am to die, Mara and you will be the last Jedi. She may not be around for a lot longer. Treasure her, for she is wise in the ways of the Force as well," Yoda says. "Luke, the Force runs strong in your family. There is... a-noth-er Sky-walk-er.."

My connection with them is lost. Yoda's voice echoes in my head. 'She may not be around for much longer.' Am I to die? Finally? Am I killed? Does Luke kill me? Does Anakin?

Yoda has past, I can feel him drift away. All of my first life now is Anakin. I just want Anakin, not Vader. Anakin. Together. As we used to be.

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