Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

I join in on Obi-Wan and Anakin's destroying streak and I fight as Annie would call 'gracefully'. I squat and slide to them and I try not to get my head chopped off, that seriously wouldn't be good. Especially not now. I hear R2 beep. "R2, locate the chancellor," Obi-Wan directs as he slices a droid's arm off. These are weak little droids, destroyers are the ones you have to look out for. R2 beeps again and I try to keep the droids away from R2. I finish off the last one and the rest kind of just... fall. I twirl my lit saber in my hand and I shut it off. R2 plugs in and a hologram of the whole command ship comes up. "The chancellor's signal is coming from there, the observation platform," Obi-Wan points to an area.

"Wow, that's at the top. Let's hope there's elevators, because I am not climbing stairs the whole way," I sigh. I get a hot feeling in my left arm.

"I sense Count Dooku," Anakin looks behind him.

"I sense a trap," Obi-Wan says.

"Our next move?" Anakin asks.

"Spring the trap," I grin. We all start walking and R2 beeps. "Go back R2."

"We need you to stay with the ship," Anakin adds.

"Here," Obi-Wan pulls out a communicator, "take this. Wait for orders." He tosses it to R2. We walk off. I follow them into a hallway and I have a bit of a hop in my walk. I think it's amazing how the Jedi Order has enough hope in me to send me out on a mission along two very impressive Jedi. It makes me even happier when one of the Jedi is the one I love with all my heart. I've been a lot happier in the past three years. We get to the elevators and I hear clanking behind me. I look over my shoulder and see a couple droidekas.

"Destroyers," I warn. I pull out my saber and I turn it on. One destroyer starts shooting and it pulls up it's shield. I hear the elevator doors open and I back in there. "Come on," I hiss. They come in and I turn around. The doors shut and we all turn off our sabers. My eyes widen.

"Drop your weapons," a droid says. About four others have their guns pointed at us. "I said drop them." I let out a breath and I duck. Anakin and Obi-Wan start destroying the idiotic droids. I hear their sabers shut and I stand back up. I look at Anakin and I smirk.

"Good job," I mouth. I feel a pain in my stomach. I let out a small noise and I clench my tummy.

"Are you alright?" Anakin puts a hand on my shoulder. I knew I shouldn't have come. I look back at him and I open my mouth, trying to find words.

"Uh.. Yeah. I'm fine," I stand up straight and loosen my grip on my stomach. At least, I hope I'm fine. I feel the elevator stop suddenly. I jolt a bit. "What happened?" I ask.

"It stopped. Did you do it?" Anakin asks Obi-Wan.

"No," he replies. Anakin takes his hand off me and he walks to the center and I stay in the corner.

"Well there's more than one way out of here," Anakin turns on his saber. He starts to carve into the roof of the elevator.

"We don't want to get out, we want to get moving, Annie. Obi-Wan, contact R2," I say, falling back to normal. The pain in my stomach goes away. That was weird. Obi-Wan nods and pulls out the communicator.

"R2? R2, can hear me? Do you copy R2?" Obi-Wan says to the contact. "R2, activate elevator 31174. Did you hear that? Activate 31174." I look at Anakin, who is still carving. He completes a circle and the plate of thick metal drops to the ground, almost hitting my foot. Anakin steps on the fallen circle and jumps up the hole.

"Anakin, what are you doing?" I ask. "Great."

Obi-Wan sighs and says, "Always on the move."

"I know," I mutter. Obi-Wan talks into the communicator again.

"Can you hear me? Activate 31174," Obi-Wan says. "R2 do you copy?" I look up at Anakin who smirks at me. I give a hopeful smile. The elevator jolt and zoom down. I almost jump up and hit my head on the roof. I look up the hole and Anakin isn't there. Obi-Wan looks at the levels.

"What are we doing? We have to go up! Not down!" I panic.

"No, R2. Stop. We need to go up," Obi-Wan says. I hope Annie's okay. "R2, do you read me? R2, we need to be going up."

"Hurry up!" I panic. The elevator stops abruptly and I drop to the ground. Then I feel the elevator zoom up. I try to get up. I get to my feet and so does Obi-Wan. "Better," I sigh. I try to wiggle my shoulders and relax my body. I need to be relaxed, but alert. A thump comes from behind me. Obi-Wan bears his lightsaber. I turn and see it's Anakin. "Annie," I grin.

"Oh, it's you," Obi-Wan says.

"Yes, it's me. Sorry I'm not a droid," Anakin says.

"I'm glad you're okay," I hug him. Obi-Wan clears his throat behind me. Anakin unwraps his arms from me and I go back to where I was. "Sorry," I mumble.

"What was that all about?" Anakin asks Obi-Wan.

"Well R2-" Obi-Wan starts.

"Take it easy on him," I try and stop him.

"Did I say anything?" Obi-Wan asks.

"He's trying his hardest," Anakin adds.

"I didn't say anything!" Obi-Wan defends himself. I check my chest to see if my necklace fell out. Nope.

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