Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

The droids change their aim to the ships landing down. The ships shoot back and I ready for fight. I try and block as many blaster shots I can without hurting anyone around me. More than half of the droids are destroyed and the gunships land. The troopers in the white armor hop off and start to help us take out the droids. I turn around and lead into a gunship. Padme, Annie, Obi-Wan and I all get on one and two troopers do as well. They all start to lift off and I smile at Annie. We all soar off and I turn off my saber. "Hold on!" Obi-Wan says. I grab hold of something on the top and the rest do too. The ships start to shoot at these weird buildings.

"Aim right above the fuel cells," Anakin directs. The gunmen listen and they destroy one. They sway out of the way causing me to try and steady myself. The building falls and crushes droids on the ground.

"Good call," Obi-Wan says. Some gunships land and unload some Jedi and the troops with them. The droids start to shoot at us, and I see a different gunship crash down. I then see another gunship land in an assembly area. Ours' keeps flying and I watch the war happen below us. "Attack those federation starships, quickly."

A blaster shot misses me just barely. I back up to where I was. Our gunship shoots missiles at a giant spherical thing. I grip my saber tightly, not letting anything be able to shoot it out again. I see blasts on the ground, even from where I'm standing. "This got so serious so quickly," I mutter. I can see rays attack the starships, trying to destroy them. I feel Anakin touch my hand, trying to get my attention. I look back to him.

"It's a war, of course it's serious," he says. "Yet, you're still alive."

"Is that a compliment or an insult?" I smile. I look back out and see a starship crash down. One down, who knows how many more to go. The dust comes at us and I try to see. I can see the blaster lights of the troops. "They're amazing," I say, "the troopers." The dust goes away.

"Look over there," Obi-Wan points to three speeders.

"Dooku," Anakin say.

"What are we waiting for? Follow them!" I yell.

"We're going to need some help!" Padme says.

"There's no time!" Obi-Wan says. "Anakin and I can handle this."

"I'm going too!" I shout.

"Very well," Obi-Wan says. Anakin looks at me in concern.

"I can do this," I mouth. He nods once and goes back to following Dooku with his eyes. I look at the wound on my right arm. It doesn't sting as much, not now. The other little speeders come and start shooting at us. It shoots us again and I fall onto Anakin as Padme and a trooper fall out. Padme screams on her way down. "No!" I yell. "Put the ship down!" I crawl to the end of the ship.

"Mara, don't let your connection with her get in the way," Obi-Wan says. I look at him and have a bit of a fit in my mind. Obi-Wan goes back up and directs, "Follow that speeder!" I look back to where Padme fell out. I clench my fists in anger. I really hope she's fine.

"Lower the ship," I growl.

"We need you for Dooku," Obi-Wan says. "If we catch him, we can end this war right now." I feel my eyes water up just barely. "We have a job to do."

"I don't care! Go back!" I feel my fists get tighter.

"You'll be expelled from the Jedi Order!"

"We can't leave her!" I growl.

"Come to your senses! What do you think she would do if she were you?" Obi-Wan yells.

"Fine," I sigh. "Dooku's going to pay." I feel Anakin put his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down. I see the speeder pull into a building and the ship goes after it. I turn on my saber again and I stand up quickly. The ship lands by the platform and I run out behind Obi-Wan and Anakin. We run past things and I see Dooku. We slow down and I ready my saber and stance. "You're going to pay for all the Jedi you killed." I pull my hand up to force him off a cliff, but he pushes be back and I slam onto a wall.

"Mara!" Anakin yells. I'm still a bit conscious. Obi-Wan whispers to him something but Anakin screams, "No, I'm taking him now!" Anakin runs at Dooku, saber ready. Dooku electrocutes Annie and he screams.

"Annie!" I yell. I can't move, something's blocking me. He throws Annie to a wall and Anakin falls. I see Obi-Wan ready his saber.

"As you can see, my powers are far beyond yours," Dooku says. He tries to electrocute Obi-Wan but Obi-Wan blocks it with his saber. The lightning goes away.

"I don't think so," Obi-Wan says calmly. Dooku draws out his saber. Obi-Wan goes at him and I feel feeling go back into my body. I try to wiggle my fingers and move my wrist. I hear their sabers clash, interrupted by small conversation. I shake my head and I try to move my elbows. I hear Obi-Wan shout and I look up. He's on the ground, arm cut. Then, I see Dooku look at me.

"Why, you're new. Mara, am I correct? Oh, they all like you," Dooku taints as he walks slowly to me.

"Don't you dare get any closer," I grunt.

"What a pity it would be if their favorite one, was to be killed right now. At such a young age," he evilly smiles. He points his lightsaber at me and I try to reach mine. He forces me to the center. He has his saber high, ready to kill me. I suck in a large breath as he begins to swing down. I hear Anakin and a saber clash. "I would've thought you learned your lesson," Dooku says to Anakin. He saved me.

"I am a slow learner," Annie replies. He makes the sabers go away from me. Obi-Wan tosses his saber to Anakin.

"Anakin!" he yells. Anakin catches it and begins to fight dual-wield. Dooku slices one and now Anakin must fight with one. Anakin slices a cord on the ground, causing the lights to shut off. They fight and there are a series of constant clashes. Then, Dooku slices Anakin's arm off.

"No!" I scream. Dooku forces Anakin next to me. Annie's unconscious. I look at Anakin's now gone arm. I cover my mouth. "No, no," I whisper. I hear Dooku shut off his saber. Then I hear a tapping of a cane. Yoda comes out into the open.

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