Chapter 48

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Chapter 48:

I walk out and back to my seat. I was never good with fixing. I always let Anakin do all of the repairs on my ship and I stuck with trying to heal any wounds. It was a nice way to even out.

"Has he found Luke?" I whisper, trying to get to Obi-Wan.

"Yes," Obi-Wan's voice says in my head. A cool wave of relief rains over me. They should be safe. I see Han go into the room where Leia is. I let him be, let him make a fool of himself. I hear them bicker and then it goes silent.

3PO rushes into the room.

"Thank you very much," Han's voice hinted with annoyance. I get up and go to the cockpit again. I let my emotions take over once. I can now, nothing is happening.

Anakin snuck his hand on my neck, giving me chills. I turned around. "Yes?" I asked.

"You've been so quiet, why?" he replied. I crossed my arms and shrugged. "Mara, you can tell me anything," he added.

"I haven't been able to think straight recently," I sighed.

"Why not?" he asked. I bit my lip and looked and his hand and back.

"Stupid reasons," I told. We looked into each other's eyes.

"Have I ever told you have beautiful you are?" he asked. MY heart skipped a beat. Our faces inched closer until our lips touched. My skin tingled around my lips locked with his. My hand snuck up onto his cheek and the other lied on his shoulder.

I stroke my bottom lip, remembering the lost touch. I wonder if Anakin remembers it, or if Sideous brainwashed him.

"I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience," Yoda's voice comes to my head.

"He will learn patience," Obi-Wan's says.

"He's smart. He can do it," I whisper.

"What?" Leia asks. I look to her.

"Nothing, just talking to myself," I lie.

"Much anguish in him. Like his father," Yoda says.

"Was I any different?" I whisper. Leia's looking at me like I have a serious problem. "Sorry. Thoughts got distracting," I say to her. She nods and looks ahead.

"A Jedi craves not adventure and action," Yoda's voice says.

I cover my mouth. "I did," I whisper into my hand.

"Yes. Yes. Just like his mother. Strong and stable," Obi-Wan says. Stupid and careless come in my head. I was. I was also stupid and careless. I hear a bang. I uncover my mouth and I look up. Then there's more. I look at Leia to see she's looking at me.

"You hear them too?" I ask. She nods. I see something move from the corner of my eye. I look out the glass and I stand up. I focus on any sign of movement.

Something pops on the window, making me gasp and Leia jolt up. My eyes get wide and I look at the weird thing. I back up as Leia lets out a frightened scream and I end up out the door. I run out to where everyone else is.

"There's something out there!" Leia blurts. Han looks up at us. He lifts his goggles.

"Where?" he asks.

"Outside," I add. Just as I'm about to say more, more noises come. "That's them." Han and the rest notice and Han takes off his goggles.

"I'm going out there," Han runs to get a mask.

"Are you insane?" Leia protests.

"I just fixed this thing. I'm not going to let some creature tear it apart again," Han straps on the mask.

"Then I'm going with you," Leia grabs a mask. I grab one and so does Chewy. I slide mine to cover my mouth and nose and I follow where Han and Leia went. Han opens the door and I ready my hands. If I let myself use the force more often, the more stable I can become.

They slowly walk out. The ground is misty and the smoke wraps around my legs. The ground feels weird.

"The ground feels strange," Leia remarks. "It doesn't feel like rock."

"It's humid too," Han adds.

"I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this place," I look around the darkness. I hear the screech. I turn and Han shoots something from the bottom of the ship. "What the hell is that?!" Han walks over and Chewy sees it.

"Just what I thought. Chewy, go make sure there aren't any more attached," Han demands. "

"Minoks," Leia assumes.

"Probably chewing on the power cables," I mutter. I get the feeling of more danger. I feel things fly past my ears. I scream as they fly past me. They attack everyone. I put up my hand and one flies back. I start to run back into the ship. Chewy shoots one away and I feel the whole thing tip. I hold myself on the pole. It levels.

"Weird," Han mumbles. I don't let go. Han shoots the ground and the thing tips again. Instead of leveling, it wobbles. Han rushes to me. I lead inside and the rest follow. The ship tilts as well. I fall onto my scarred arm again.

"Ow!" I groan. The door shuts and Han and Leia and Chewy pass me. I hold my arm and I try to make my way to the seat. I feel the ship lift off and I sit. I close my eyes and hope it ends soon.

I Broke the Rule (Anakin Skywalker love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon