I Broke the Rule (Anakin Skywalker love story)

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Chapter 1:

I stand here watching the ships go by. It brings me to a flashback of about ten years ago. 
We all swung our sabers in sync, trying to follow Master Yoda's orders. Then, a man named Qui-Gon Jin and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi came with a young boy. I stopped swinging, I was so focused on this mysterious boy. Is this that 'Chosen One' that they've been whispering about? I bet. I turned and looked at the boy, he was kind of cute. He saw me and I gave him a friendly smile. And he smiled back. The buzzing and vibration of my lightsaber almost broke my concentration. Then that feeling of danger came over me. I spun around and blocked the pupil that was next to me from almost slicing my head off. "Nice try Pol," I grinned. 
I come back to reality. "Good, send them in," the chancellor says to the hologram. Chancellor Palpatine somewhat finishes his little speech and Miss Padme walks in. They all talk of the most recent assassination attempt. No one really bothers me, they see I'm a bit dazed. They speak of how I offered to become a bit of Miss Padme's protection. Chancellor Palpatine praises my progress a bit. But then, Palpatine says "Master Kenobi." I look at him. After a while of sort of begging Miss Padme, she finally gives in. The other Jedi walk out and I do so too. 
"It's been a while since you've seen Anakin, hasn't it?" asks Miss Padme as she walks to me. Anakin was the little boy I saw. We've been friends since. I think I have a crush on him, but I see him eye Miss Padme Amidala. It kind of sucks. Anakin is just a year older than me, yet I've been in training longer than him. I have my hair tied loosely back and I have my usual clothes on. A tan dress over brown tights, long sleeve brown shirt under it and fingerless gloves. I never wear my robe, too large. I like to throw a bit of physical fighting into my duels. 
I've become like a little guardian to the Senator Amidala. She's tried to befriend me many times, I reject because I know it isn't right. I nod to her. "I missed him. Wonder how much he's grown," I sigh while trying to walk at her slow pace. Security around her has grown very tight because of the countless assassination attempts. All fail, but many die in the process. Obi-Wan doesn't like how I offered to be Miss Padme's personal guard because I'm basically risking my life all of the time. "Senat- Miss Padme, I promise I will try my all in protecting you. You can put trust in me," I smile. She has told me that I may call her Miss Padme instead of Senator Amidala like the others. 
"I believe I can," she smiles back at me. "Come, you may walk with me to my room and wait for Master Kenobi." I nod and walk with her. "I hear you're very skilled with your saber. Yet you cannot achieve the skill of flying," she says.
"Anakin Skywalker has been teaching me a bit. I'm a bit rusty, I was never really taught on flying," I reply, keeping myself from getting eye contact with her. 
"You've never had a real home and time to find your true skills have you?" Miss Padme asks. I try to find words in my head but nothing comes out of my mouth. "I'm sorry," she apologizes.
"No, Miss, you have nothing to apologize for," I kind of shoot back. We get to her room after a long awkward silence. I keep feeling my lightsaber hit my thigh, though it doesn't hurt a bit. I gaze out at the view. I never pictured myself when I was young to be here. I can sense something. That warm feeling, Annie must be here and he seems nervous. "Jar-Jar, go check if they're here," I say. 
"Yes, Miss Mara," he says in his funny voice. He walks to the elevator out there. "Obi? Obi! So nice to see you!" Binks yells. Obi-Wan's here. "Senator Amidala!" Miss Padme walks out by me and I turn next to her. I see Jar-Jar walk in with Master Kenobi and a very grown up Anakin.
"Mara," Anakin smiles. 
"Hello Annie," I walk to him. Miss Padme walks to Master Kenobi and shakes his hand. 
"Annie? My gosh, you've grown," Miss Padme says. I just grin at Anakin. 
"So have you," Anakin says. What is he talking about? Miss Padme hasn't changed in my opinion. 
"But you'll always be that little boy I found on Tatooine," Miss Padme smiles. I shake Annie's hand. 
"Age has treated you well, Mara," he grins. 
"I can honestly say the same for you," I look at him. I see Obi-Wan looking at me. "For both of you," I add. "Good to see you Obi-Wan." 

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