Brett: Human

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Hi hello alright so I completely forgot this week is my finals week. I'll still post two imagines a week. However they will be delayed a while. Same thing with next week. I'm moving back home for the summer to work my summer job there.
I'll be working 7 days a week. 10 hour shifts. For almost 2 months.
After these next two weeks I'll find a schedule and have a routine :)

You woke up early in the morning. Right as the sun was up enough and bleeding through your half closed blinds. You sighed deeply, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. As you tried to sit up two strong arms pulled you back into bed. You looked behind you to see a sleeping Brett. He always looked so peaceful when he's sleeping. You turned onto your side facing him, his arms wrapping around your body and pull you close to him.

You ran your fingers through his short hair, you always loved his hair. It was the perfect length to play with but not long enough that he need hair ties. Which is good because once a man needs a hair tie it's over for you. You can't stand being with someone who has longer hair than you, it simply makes you laugh too much.

You didn't realize you stopped playing with Brett's hair until he spoke up. "You should play with my hair some more." His voice raspy from just waking up.

"Good morning." You whispered as you brought your hand back up to dirty blonde locks.

"Morning beautiful." He yawns lightly. Placing a small kiss on your forehead before continuing. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good. I was very much relaxed." You smirked, pecking his lips quickly. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept great! How could I not with all that fun we had last night?" He said making you giggle as he hovered over you. Leaning his head down into the crook of your neck, leaving gently kisses up along your neck.

"As much as I would love to go for round three, I have to get to school." You groaned, looking at the time from your phone on the bedside table of your bedroom.

"It's Saturday?" Brett pulled away and looking at you with confusion. You giggled slightly at his sudden mood change.

"Yes but a few friends and I are doing a study group for this big chemistry exam we got coming up." You were able to crawl out from under him and walked to your dresser, pulling out a random outfit and getting your almost naked body dressed.

"We barely get to see each other anymore. Can you just ditch them? I can help you study." Brett suggested as he pulled on his jeans and t-shirt.

"Brett you suck at chemistry! You barely passed it with a C." You went and brushed your teeth as Brett sat on your bed, defeated as you brought up his grades.

"C's get degrees." Was all he said before climbing out your window. You stood there and sighed. He didn't take school as serious as you. It was important to you to get a scholarship to a good school and get as far away as you can from this supernatural infested town.

You shook your head at yourself but nonetheless you left your house and drove to the school. After studying for a few hours in the Beacon Hills High's library with a few classmates, you all decided that you would pick up where you left off on Monday after school. The entire time you were too distracted to actually study. You knew you messed up with Brett. He has his own priorities that are vastly different than yours. You drove home as slow as you could. You didn't necessarily wanted to go home just yet, but you also have no where else to really go. In the end you just decided to go home and feel bad about what you said to Brett and how you made him feel.

When you got home your parents left you a note saying they got pulled into a long surgery. Your surgeon parents were busy almost 24/7 and left you alone days at a time. They were surgeon junkies, never having enough surgeries.

You walked into your room, immediately dropping your backpack at the door. You proceeded to fall face first into your bed. You groaned into your pillow. Soon you had fallen asleep, but was woken up fairly easy when you heard your doorbell going off like a mad man. You walked downstairs to the door, sighing as you opened it to see a sad looking Brett.

"Brett?" You were kind of surprised to see him here. After this morning you didn't think he would come to see you.

"You owe me an apology. What you said about my grade in chem was kind of rude. I wasn't sad about what you said, I hear that all the time. I just didn't need to hear it from my girlfriend." He said confidently as he walked in. You closed the door behind him.

"I know. And I'm sorry. I just- I'm human Brett. I'm not a werewolf. I don't have a legit reason to stay and protect this town. I get that school isn't that important to you. I just- you know if I stay here much longer I could possibly die. People are always trying to kill other people in this town. I can't get caught in the cross fire, again." You ranted, talking with your hands. Which you almost never do, unless under extreme pressure.

"Y/n, I know this town hasn't done much good to you. It hasn't done much good to a lot of people. Look at Scott, all he did to get into this mess was go into the woods to find a dead body with his best friend. He ended up getting his life drastically changed, for the better. He would have never met Allison the way he did. He wouldn't have that first love. I get that if he was never a werewolf Allison would probably still be here but she gave her life for many more. She sacrificed herself for the greater good of Beacon Hills and she was only human too." You have never heard Brett be this right about anything. He never really had wise words when it came to the supernatural chaos in this town. He also had never sounded so philosophical, you got to give credit where credit is due.

"You speak bad about this town and it's supernatural but it's only because you can't see the good it's done too. It pulled Liam and I out of our constant fighting. Liam got control of his I.E.D. Mason is human and he is still helping his best friend and boyfriend from dying at the hands of other supernatural killers. Lydia wouldn't of have saved the amount of people she has saved if it wasn't for Peter bitting her and almost killing her. You can't see this but the supernatural broke all of us only so we could fix ourselves into exactly what we need to survive. I'm sorry you can't see all the good that comes with the bad." Brett exploded all this new information on you. Making you go wide eyed. You always thought of him as the jock who didn't care nor educated. But he was just the opposite.

"Being a werewolf saved me and plenty of other people." Brett finished and stormed out of your house leaving you there be-fumbled with what to do next.

Okay I wanted to end this one on a angsty note. Just cause I can.

Also you guys can I just tell you about my weekend for a bit?

The last of my friends from high school graduated! These guys left a huge impression on my life. And hopefully I did the same to them. I mean I did help them through their severe daddy issues.

Watch this video I made of them and I after graduation!! I am beyond proud of them. They are amazing and I love them.

Also thank you for requesting a Brett. If any of y'all want to request something, my inbox is always open!

And also the comments I got on 'Pride' wow. Thank you! You know who you are! I appreciate it. You made my day!

Karen Iliana xx

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