Testing the Team's trust

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Normal POV

Trent slowly gets out of Tracy's car. He and Tracy head inside Dr. Oliver's house walk down the stairs to the lab. Tracy isn't sure why Trent is acting so nervous the entire drive. She hopes that he isn't keeping a secret from the team and she slowly sits down in the chair next to Wes.

"I know we want to discover why Amber was acting strange at school today, but I think we also should break Rita's spell over Mike sooner rather than later," Tracy says.

"How come," Conner asks.

"I think the spell is starting to cloud Mike's judgment and his actions. In Precalculus class. He grabbed me by the wrist when I went over to his desk to talk to him. He tightened his grip before he pulled me towards him." Tracy replies.

"Wait, why did you have to go over to his desk?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah, I thought he sat next to you," Conner adds.

"He did, but two days ago he asked Mr. Johnson if he can change seat with another student," Tracy answers. "Moving on, Mike also skipped English class today," Tracy continues.

"He could have gotten sick, and I did have several students absent from the class I have right after lunch," Dr. Oliver says.

"Maybe," Tracy says trying her best not to roll her eyes at her teacher/mentor's response.

"You could try calling him," Conner suggests.

"Conner, I doubt he'd even answer his phone." Tracy sighs, "Besides when Mike did talk to me in Mr. Johonson's class, his voice even sounded evil," Tracy continues.

"What did he say?" Conner asks.

"That he wanted me to meet him after school at our secret spot," Tracy says.

"In other words he wants you to fight him somewhere no one knows the location so if you considered going the rest of the team can't come to help," Wes says.

I should go so I can be sure he's not sick. And from how he was acting today he can't fight off Rita's spell anymore. I need to break the spell over him myself. Tracy thinks.

"How about we address the other elephant in the room, Amber giving all of us the silent treatment at school today," Ethan says changing the subject.

"What do you mean that Amber was giving all over you the silent treatment?" Kimberly asks.

"Amber, never made eye contact with when I passed her in the hall," Ethan says.

"She just walked away from me when I went to her locker before lunch to discuss a project we were working on for history class," Kira says.

"She didn't even wave to me when I passed her in the hall before I went to history class," Conner says.

"Amber called me after school," Trent mumbles under his breath.

"Amber did call Trent after school," Circuit says repeating the last part of what Trent mumbled to himself.

"What," Ethan, Conner and Kira gasp.

Wes looks down at the Tracy. He sees her facial expressions and mood quickly do a 180. She tightens her grip on the armrest of her chair. A few seconds later everyone hears the sound of the plastic snapping as the anger builds up in Tracy's system.

"Tracy I understand that you're upset, but you need to calm down. So, Trent can explain himself," Wes says, as he puts his arms around Tracy's waist to keep her from punching Trent.

"Then after he explains himself, Wes will let you go so you can punch him," Eric jokes.

"Eric," Jen snaps.

"Relax, Jen. I was joking," Eric says.

Wes waits until he is positive that Tracy is calm enough for him to let her go.

"Trent, what did Amber say when you talked to her?" Dr. Oliver asks.

"Just that she wants me and my dad to pick her up from the hospital tomorrow morning to take her out to 'breakfast,'" Trent says.

"Trent why did you put air quotes around breakfast," Ethan asks.

"Yeah, what else did Amber say?" Kira adds.

"She asked me if I know about another way to get to Mesogog's fortress," Trent says. " I told her about the Invisiportal that's at my house; I found it one day inside my dad's office. It took me straight there," Trent continues.

"But why does she want to go there?" Kimberly asks.

"Amber thinks she is doing something that she feels what is best for the team," Trent answers, "She is going to give Mesogog her dino gem. " Trent continues.

"You aren't going to let Amber go through with her plan are you?" Tracy asks.

"Yes, but you have to trust me. I won't let Amber, give her gem to Mesogog," Trent replies.

"Okay, because if any one of us should be surrendering their dino gem, it's me, it's my fault that we're even in this situation, to begin with, I've known from that start I'm not made out to be a hero," Tracy continues.

"Tracy, I know everything that you've been through lately has been difficult, but giving up isn't the right thing to do," Dr. Oliver says as he goes over to Tracy.

He is about to put his hand on her shoulder, but she slaps his hand away. Then she swings her left leg around until her heel hits the back Dr. Oliver's leg. He drops to the floor. While he is recovering Tracy makes a beat for the stairs.

"Tracy, stop, it's too dangerous," Dr. Oliver shouts as he looks up to see Tracy sprint up the stairs.

"Don't worry Tommy. I'll stop her," Circuit says as he flies off to catch up with Tracy.

"I'm right behind you, Circuit," Kimberly says as she follows close behind the robotic owl.

"Dr. O., are you okay," Kira asks.

"I'm fine, Kira,"  Dr. Oliver says.

"If Tracy knows that she doesn't have her powers why is she even considering going off on her own to fight Mike?" Was asks.

"She still must feel guilty about MIke even being under Rita's spell in the first place, so she the only way she is even going to forgive herself is to break the spell herself by fighting him," Dr. Oliver says.

"I hope Kimberly and Circuit can stop her," Kira says.

"Yeah, seeing her ignore Dr. O., and going off by herself is something I never thought I see Tracy do," Ethan adds.

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