Another Veteran Ranger Surprise

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Normal POV

Wes tells Tracy they'll be heading to Silver Hills. Tracy is too tired to show much excitement about getting to explore the city that Wes and the other Time Force Rangers protected from Ransik.

"Wait, are you sure that my mom is okay with this?" Tracy asks.

"Yes, Eric and I met her. She said it would help you to relax and recover if you leave Reefside for a few hours." Wes answers.

"Okay, so where are we going?" Tracy says.

"We heading back to the Silver Guardians headquarters. Eric and I need to fill my dad in on what happened in Reefside." Wes says.

"Wes, your dad is in charge of The Silver Guardians?" Tracy asks.

"Yup," Wes says.

Twenty minutes later, Wes parks in the car in Silver Guardians HQ parking lot. He and Eric turn their heads and see Tracy fast asleep in the backseat with Circuit perched on her right shoulder.

"We always could have Circuit wake Tracy up by pecking her cheek," Eric says.

"Eric, that's mean," Wes scolds slapping his partner on the shoulder.

"Yes, I don't want to hurt her," Circuit says.

"Relax, you two, I was kidding," Eric smirks.

"No you weren't," Wes smirks back.

Wes nods and Circuit nuzzles her cheek. Tracy moans as she slowly opens her eyes.

"Sorry Tracy, but we're here," Wes says.

"I'm not a child, how come I can't sleep in the car while you and Eric go talk to your dad?" Tracy asks.

"You can get some more sleep after you meet him, and we head to my house, okay?" Wes says.

Back at Reefside High, Amber and Conner walk into the gymnasium. They see different gymnastic equipment set up. Mr. Jonas walks up to them. Conner can't believe his eyes when he sees Kimberly and her coach, Gunther Schmidt, enter a few seconds later.

"No way, Conner, that's Kimberly Heart. She won gold at the Pan Global games two years in a row. She is the best gymnast on the entire team." Amber says.

"Thank you for the kind words. I love meeting my fans," Kimberly says, shaking Amber's hand.

"You're welcome, Miss Heart. Are she and coach Schmidt going to help you teach the class today, Mr. Jonas?" Amber asks.

"Yes," Mr. Jonas says.

Conner remembers that he saw her on the video diary on the computer in the lab. Then he sees the rest of the class file in right before the bell rings. The teens line up with the others while Mr. Jonas and his guests follow him to the bleachers. The gym teacher starts to take attendance and is shocked when he doesn't hear Tracy respond when he calls her name. "Has anyone seen Miss Burlew?"

"Yes, Mr. Jonas, she fainted in Dr. Oliver's class. Her mom picked her up and took her home," Conner answers.

Tracy's POV

I am still upset about having to leave school, ruining my perfect attendance record. Wes, Eric, Circuit and I enter Wes's dad's office.

"Hello, son, this is one of the Dino Thunder Rangers your friend Tommy is mentoring?" Mr. Collins asks.

"Yes, dad, this is Tracy," Wes answers.

"It's nice to meet you, sir," I say.

"Tracy, you can call me Albert, alright," Mr. Collins says.

"Okay, Albert," I say.

"So, were you able to deliver those gems you found to Tommy?" Albert asks.

"Yes, but we got attacked by Elsa," Wes answers.

"Who is Elsa?" Albert asks.

"She is Mesogog's henchwoman," I say.

"Eric and I were able to reobtain the box with the gems, thanks to their white Ranger, Trent," Wes says.

"Thank you for the report, son, so how about you take Tracy back to the house?" Albert says.

"Okay dad," Wes says.

"Eric, I need your help on another mission," Albert says.

"Okay," Eric says.

Wes and I head back out to the car. We walk to the back of the car. Wes takes out a case and hands me a small collapsible antenna.

"What am I supposed to do with this, exactly?" I ask.

"Just put it down right here," Circuit says.

I place my antenna near his right foot and pull it up, so it's as tall as Wes's. Then Wes takes out a small remote, and a few seconds later I see a small screen appear along with a guy with green hair and a crystal on his forehead.

"Hi Wes, so this is the Pink Dino Thunder Ranger. It's so nice to meet you; I'm Trip by the way." Trip says.

"It's nice to meet you too, but how did you know I'm a Power Ranger? Wait, did I just see a flying car drive past by the window behind you?" I ask.

"Yes, it was. I'm from the year three thousand four. We have an archive of all the former Rangers here," Trip answers.

"So, does it say if I get my Ranger powers back?" I ask.

"I'm afraid I can't disclose that information," Trip says.

"Can you at least tell me if my parents will show up at Senior Awards night?" I inquire.

Trip just shakes his head no. I give up asking questions about the future. "Why did we contact the future exactly?"

"I wanted to check in on my friends," Wes answers.

"Everyone is doing great Wes. Jen got promoted to lieutenant. Lucas won his fifth racing championship in a row, and he and Nadira got married. Katie and her boyfriend Ollie got engaged. I've been kind of busy helping them plan their wedding," Trip says.

"Thanks got the update Trip. I'll check in again soon," Wes says.

"You're welcome, Wes," Trip says.

Wes presses the button again and the screen vanishes. He puts the antennas away in the pouch on his belt. We get in the car then drive to Wes's house.

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