Elsa's Sneak Attack

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Normal POV

The next morning at the Torres house, Tracy and Amber walk into the kitchen. Tracy is wearing a purple evening rose t-shirt, navy skinny jeans and short black Ugg boots. She hangs her bookbag on the side of her chair before she sits down. Amber's mom, Cara, sets Tracy's breakfast in front of her. She sees the dark circles under her eyes after Tracy finished drying the sleep from them.

"Tracy, sweetheart, are you sure that you'll be able to make it through a whole day of school. It looks like you haven't got a good night's sleep in a few days" Cara asks.

"Yes, Mrs. Torres. I appreciate your concern, but I'm not going to ruin my perfect attendance record because I'm a little tired. Thank you for letting me stay the night too." Tracy answers.

"You're welcome," Cara says.

Tracy and Amber finish their breakfast and head out to the bus stop. While they are walking Amber stops when she sees Tracy start to fall towards the sidewalk. She catches her teammate a few seconds before Tracy hits the pavement.

"Thanks, Amber, I guess lost it for a second," Tracy says.

Amber helps her sit down on the curb a few steps in front of them.

"I know the Senior's last day is five weeks away, and you don't want to fall behind. I think I need to call your mom. You just fainted." Amber says.

"Amber I'm okay, let's move. We don't want to miss the bus, do we?" Tracy says confidently.

"Sure," Amber says reluctantly.

Amber helps Tracy to her feet. The girls get another block before Tracy looks up to see an Invisi-portal open up right in front of them.  Elsa and some Tyrannodrones appear.

You've got to kidding me. Tracy thinks.

After the portal closes Elsa and the T-drones slowly approach the girls. Tracy is about to call for the others, but doesn't know if this will be the best time to reveal her identity to Amber.

"Tracy, what are those things?" Amber asks.

"Don't know. I've never seen them before," Tracy answers.

"I can't believe you'd lie to your friend Pink Ranger," Elsa says.

"Tracy, why does that lady know your name?" Amber asks.

"No clue, but I think we should run.That lady is crazy Amber. Come on, she just appeared out of thin air. Besides I'm not superhero material," Tracy says.

"Tracy, I learned that you're a bad liar. You are a Power Ranger," Amber says.

"I wanted to tell you, but I was hoping it'd be under better circumstances," Tracy says.

"Actions speak louder than words Pink Ranger. Why don't you morph?" Elsa taunts.

"Elsa, I don't need to morph to beat the Tyrannodrones," Tracy says.

"Whatever, Tyrannodrones attack," Elsa says.

Elsa chuckles seeing Tracy struggle against them. She is happy that she'll have the pink Dino Gem back in a few minutes. Tracy tries to use her super strength to fight, but she realizes how tired she is when she can't even defeat the two tdrones in front of her. Three more run up and pin her to the ground. She turns her head and sees the bus pulling up. After summoning up all the dino gem power she can, Tracy kicks them off.

"Amber, the bus is a few blocks away. Run, I'll keep these things busy," Tracy says.

"But, you'll be late for school," Amber says.

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