Green With Evil (second try) Part 1, - A New Target

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 Normal POV

Three weeks later the rangers are at the juice bar, sitting at their usual table. Tracy is wearing a baby doll dress and a pair of matching Jellies that she borrowed from Kimberly. She also has a butterfly clip in her hair. Mike is getting tired of hearing Tracy tapping her fingers on the table. He places his hand on top of hers.

"Tracy, what's on your mind?" Mike asks.

"I'm worried about graduation and a few other things." Tracy answers.

"Do you guys have any plans about what you are going to do after you graduate?" Kimberly asks.

"I'm going to Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara to study communication and media studies." Mike answers.

"That sounds great Mike. What about you, Tracy," Kimberly says.

"I don't know," Tracy says.

"Tracy, you can't answer every question with I don't know." Jason says.

"Are you sure Jason? I mean it's worked this long and I'm a senior in high school." Tracy says.

The rangers' communicators go off. They get up from the table and head outside. Jason presses the side of his communicator.

"We read you, Zordon." Jason says.

"Teleport to the command center, I have some good news." Zordon says.

 "We're on our way," Jason says.

 They get up from the table, go out into the hallway and teleport a few seconds later and land in the command center. Tracy looks to her left and sees the contraption that Alpha is working on.

"What is that thing Alpha?" Tracy asks.

"It's a machine that can make a time portal." Alpha answers.

"That's amazing thanks Alpha you rock. Let's fire it up," Tracy says eagerly.

"I haven't been able to test it yet. I'm not sure that it even creates a similiar portal to the one that brought you here." Alpha says.

"Alpha, the other rangers can go to the park to test it while you stay here and monitor the city." Billy says.

Alpha nods and hands the machine to him. The rangers' teleport to the park and they land in a clearing far away from the curious people who were enjoying the nice day. Billy turns the machine on.

I hope this works. I really want to go home before Rita tries to use one of her spells on Mike. Tracy thought.

They hear a few different strange sounds coming from it, Billy jumps when it gives him a light shock. The sudden jolt causes him to drop it.

"Billy, are you okay?" Kimberly asks.

"Yes," He answers.

I should have wished harder for it to work. Tracy thought.

"What went wrong Billy?" Jason asks.

When it was safe Billy picked the machine up. He examined it and tells the team what went wrong using a bunch of big technological terms. His explanation went over everyone's head- except Mike's, thanks to his Dino gem power.

"Billy or Mike can one of you try explaining that again in words normal people can understand please." Tracy says.

"Sure Tracy, basically Alpha just used a power source that was too strong for the engine and the thing overheated." Mike says.

"Next time could you explain it like that the first time one of asks what went wrong with a machine." Tracy says.

The boys nod. A few seconds later a bunch of putties appear. Billy sets the machine down next to a tree. The rangers stand in a ready stance ready to fight Rita's clay minions.

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