Super Dino Day

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Tracy's POV

My old karate teacher called me yesterday. He said that he was coming next Friday to test me for my black belt. I'm very nervous because I haven't practiced since becoming a ranger. Kira texted me to tell me that the team is meeting for a training session in the woods outside of town. I put my phone in my pocket and head out to the woods.

Dr. Oliver's POV

I call the others ranger and tell them to meet in at the woods outside of town. While Ethan and Conner are sparing I look over towards Tracy. I see her pacing back and forth looking very nervous.

"Tracy, are you going to join us?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. I was just thinking about something." she answers.

While she is sparing with Trent, I can see that she has some karate experience because she is doing moves only someone with a brown belt would know. A few minutes later she pins Trent to the ground.

"Did you know that Tracy could fight like that?" Conner asks.

"Nope, I'm just as surprised as you." Ethan answers.

"Tracy, you can let him up now." I tell her.

She offers Trent her hand and she helps him back to his feet.

"Tracy, do you have a black belt in karate?" Conner asks.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Conner, I'm a first degree brown belt." she answers.

"Wow, Tracy that great." I compliment.

"Thanks Dr.O. I'm really nervous about next Friday, though." She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"My old karate teacher will be flying in next Friday to test for my black belt." she answers.

"Isn't that good?" Conner asks.

"Yes, but there is no way I'll be ready in time." she answers.

"You will be," I say.

"How, Dr. O?" she asks.

"Because I'll help you get ready. I am a 5th degree black belt myself." I answer.

"Really, you would do that for me." she says.

I nod. Conner asks her if we get to see her break boards. Tracy says that she doesn't know if she can still do that. I tell her that there is only one way to find out. I walk to the jeep and take a board off the floor in front the back seat. Then I walk back over to them with the board in my right hand.

"Tracy, are you ready?" I ask.

"As ready as I'm going to be." She answers.

I hold the board up and nod. She let out a "kiai" and as her hand struck the board and broke it in half.

"Well at least I still can break a board." she says.

"How does the test for your black belt even work?" Conner asks.

"Let's see, I have to do a lot a katas and some other things too that I can't remember off the top of my head." she answers.

"Is a black belt test usually this hard?" Conner asks.

"Yes Conner, that's the point. Getting your black belt is a huge deal." she answers.

"Didn't your teacher give you a list of things he expects you to know?" he asks.

"Yeah. he did. I forgot I put it in my bag." she tells him.

She walks over to the tree where she left her book bag. She opens the front pocket and takes the list out. She walks back over to Conner and hands him the list.

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