Clearing the Air

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Normal POV

Tracy walks in the juice bar and sees Enrique sitting at the bar. He turns to his left and waves. She waves back, goes over to him and sits down next to him. They sit in silence for a few minutes. Tracy's long sigh breaks the awkwardness of the situation.

"Will you go out with me, or not?" Enrique asks.

"I'm sorry Enrique, but we can't be a couple," Tracy answers.

"Why can't we be a couple?" Enrique asks.

"Because I'm not going to be here very long. I hate saying goodbye to good friends. I don't want to hurt you. I hope that we still could be friends." Tracy says.

Enrique thinks about it for a minute. He nods and picks up his guitar.

"Why did you bring your guitar?" Tracy asks.

"I was thinking that I can get a sneak peek of your song for Spanish class." He answers.

"I guess I can play it. Promise that you'll keep it a secret from the other kids." Tracy says.

Enrique nods. Tracy smiles as he hands her the guitar. She puts it over her shoulder, tunes it, turns around and starts to strum the first few chords of 'Small but Strong'. She starts singing the Spanish lyrics a few seconds later.

Aw man changing the lyrics affected it more than I thought. Tracy thinks.

She stops singing the first chorus.

"You have a beautiful angelic voice," Enrique says.

"Thanks," She sighs sadly.

"What's wrong?" Enrique asks.

"It took me two days to write the song the first time. I'm never going to have it ready to sing in class on Wednesday." Tracy answers.

Enrique offers to help her rewrite the song. Tracy knows that she needs help with it so she takes him up on his offer.

"We should head to my place," He says.

"Why should we go there anyway?" Tracy asks.

"It's a lot quieter than here so we'll be able to focus better. My mom makes a mean milkshake too." Enrique answers.

They leave after Tracy's hands Enrique back his guitar. Meanwhile at the local library, Mike walks inside and goes over to the section where all the books are that he needs to help him with the project. He walks over to an empty table, sets the small stack of books down, he sits down, takes a notebook out of his backpack and gets to work. Twenty minutes later Olive sneaks up and taps him on the shoulder. He turns around to see her standing behind him.

"Hey Mike, how is your research coming?" Olive asks.

"Good, what about you?" Mike answers.

"Not good. I keep finding the same information that we found in school today." Olive says slowly.

Mike can tell by how long it took Olive to answer his question that she is lying. "I'm not going to give you any of the information that I just found."

Olive starts flirting with him in the hopes that it will get him to tell her what she wanted to know. She walks her fingers up his arm. Mike moves his arm away quickly.

Man, when will she get it I don't like her that way. Mike thinks.

On the other side of the city, Tracy and Enrique walk up the steps to Enrique's house and he open the door for her. Tracy walks in first and he closes the door behind him. They walk to the kitchen.

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