The Letters are Fake and Zoey's Second Suspension

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Normal POV

After school, Tracy decides to call John Mayor at the Michigan State Admissions office. She nervously takes her phone out of her purse. Her finger shakes as she dials the number. She taps her foot, trying to relax, listening to the line ring on the other end.

"Hello, John Mayor, Michigan State Admissions office, how may I help you?" John says.

"This is Tracy Burlew. I'm curious when I'll be receiving the new student orientation package?" Tracy asks.

"Miss Burlew, I'm afraid you received the wrong letter," John answers.

"Are you saying that I didn't get accepted?" Tracy says wobbly tone.

"You're a wonderful applicant, so the board decided to put you on the waiting list. You'll receive a letter in the mail when we have a spot available." John says.

"Okay, thank you," Tracy says politely.

Tracy hangs up and slowly puts her phone away. She heads back to Dr. Oliver's classroom.

Doctor Oliver's POV

I finish packing up my briefcase by placing the file with the class's term papers inside before closing it. I turn around to see Tracy walking in.

"Hey, Dr. Oliver," Tracy sighs.

"Principal Randall sent an email to me along with Miss Drew saying that you don't have a concussion. Which is great news, so why are you sad?" I ask very confusedly.

"I was so excited that I got accepted to Michigan State. I called the Admissions office to find out that they put me on the waiting list." Tracy answers.

"You think this is bad news, but if the school board puts you on the waiting list, it means they are interested in you and you've made a good impression," I say.

"I know, but it was embarrassing. Someone pranked me, and I fell for it. I guess I'm not as smart as I thought I was," Tracy says sadly.

I walk over to her and place my hand on her shoulder.

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You aren't the first senior to fall for this prank. I've heard from a few other of your classmates that they've received some fake letters, too." I say reassuringly.

"You're welcome. Also, I've noticed that Mike decided to hang out with Grant and Zoey. Do you know why he is willing to ruin his chances of becoming Valedictorian?" I ask.

"No," Tracy answers quickly.

Normal POV

Edmund, Christi and Benjamin sit down at the kitchen table.

"Did you get a call from the school about what happened in Dr. Oliver's class?" Edmund asks.

"Yes, we did. Christi and I are proud of her for standing up to Grant." Benjamin answers.

"We're also glad that she wasn't seriously hurt," Christi adds.

"I was just going to say that too, honey," Benjamin says sweetly.

"There is one more thing I'd like to tell you. While Tracy and I were waiting to see the doctor, she let me read some of the acceptance letters. I noticed that the one from Michigan State wasn't formatted properly, and the letterhead was slightly off-center as well. I wanted to tell Tracy that they were fake, but it wasn't the right time or place," Edmund says, hanging his head.

"Edmund, I know you feel bad about not telling Tracy. You have to man up and go back to the school and tell her." Benjamin says sternly.

"You also need to apologize," Christi adds in the same tone.

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