Finally Home

365 19 1

Normal POV

Mike and the girls float around inside the portal like astronauts inside a shuttle after the gravity is turned off. Kira glances down at the machine and is pleased with Alpha's work. It's functioning better than it did when they said goodbye to the Mighty Morphin Rangers. She turns her attention to the other portals around her and sees an entrance leading to Reefside. She isn't surprised to see the others fighting an army of tyrannodrones along with a human-sized big slimy spider-like monster. It also has spikes covering its legs. They are fighting it downtown.

"Guys, you need to see this," Kira says.

Tracy and Mike move their arms and legs like they are swimming to get to the portal. Tracy clenches her fists in anger when she sees her teammates getting beat up by the monster. Kira gets a sudden chill down her spine, hearing Mike start to laugh maniacally, seeing their teammates in trouble. The girls try their best to ignore it but can't. It was too scary.

I know we need to tell the team about what happened to us while we were away. I don't want my nightmares to get any worse than they already are. Tracy thinks.

The girls let out a long sigh of relief when Mike stops laughing. They see his eyes glow green. When they stop shining, the girls see them widen in shock, seeing what is happening back home in Reefside.

"We need to get back there and help them," Mike says.

"You and Kira can help them. All I can do is hide somewhere safe," Tracy says sadly.

"Tracy, I'm sure that Hayley will figure out how to unblock your powers," Kira says reassuringly.

The group enters the portal. Tracy does her best to remain positive that she'll fight alongside the others again. Back at the battle, the team looks up towards the sky; they see their teammates falling out of it. Dr. Oliver and Ethan run over to them. Tracy groans as Kira and Mike land on top of her.

"Why do I end up on the bottom?" Tracy moans.

"I don't know, bad luck I guess," Kira says.

"Okay, can you guys get off me, please," Tracy says.

Mike and Kira get to their feet just as Dr. Oliver and Ethan arrive. Dr. Oliver helps Tracy up.

"Good timing guys," Dr. Oliver says.

"We can use your help big time," Ethan adds.

Kira and Mike turn their bracelets into their morphers. They morph and walk over to their teammates. Tracy still wants to help. She turns her bracelet into her morpher and opens the mouth too.

"Tracy, remember, you can't..." Kira warns.

"Dino Thunder power up," Tracy says.

Tracy presses the button on her morpher. The mouth shuts, and there is a flash of pink light. After it fades, she stands in her civilian form.

"Tracy, what's going on?" Ethan asks.

"I'll explain later, for now, let's deal with the attack," Tracy answers.

"She's right; we'll go help Conner and Trent fight this monster. Tracy, do you think that you can handle the Tyrannodrones?" Dr. Oliver says.

"Sure thing," Tracy says.

They race back towards the fight. A group of Tyrannodrones appears in front of them to block the team from getting to their teammates. Kira turns around and nods to Tracy. She runs up to her. Kira cups her hands to allow Tracy to place her right foot down on them. She tosses her into the air and lands in front of them then does a tornado kick. It was so powerful that they feel to the ground like bowling pins.

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