A Dino Battle

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Normal POV

Tracy stands in shock for a few minutes. Enrique asks her if she is okay. Tracy nods and is about to answer his question from before, when she hears her communicator go off.

"Sorry, Enrique I have to go," Tracy says.

"You didn't answer me. Will you go out with me?" Enrique asks.

Tracy's communicator goes off again.

"Can you meet me at Ernie's in an hour. You'll get your answer then." Tracy says.

"I'll be counting the minutes till then," Enrique says.

He kisses her hand before letting it go. Tracy feels her heart flutter.

Stop it Tracy. Stay focused on the mission and you already have a boyfriend. Tracy thinks.

She power walks down the hall. Jason waves at her as she comes around the corner. She goes over to him and the others. Jason raises his communicator to his lips.

"What is it Zordon?" He asks.

"Rangers, teleport to the command center immediately," Zordon says.

"We're on the way, Zordon," Jason says.

Tracy hopes that Alpha and Zordon found a way to send her and Mike back to Reefside. They teleport away and land in front of Zordon.

"Have you figured out how to get me and Mike back to Reefside?" Tracy asks.

"Not yet. Rangers behold the viewing globe. Rita has sent her latest monster she calls Scropthorn to attack the city." Zordon answers.

They turn around to see Rita's monster. Tracy didn't crack a joke about it. They turn back around and face Zordon again.

"Be careful because we don't know what it's capable of, yet," Zordon says.

Jason and the others rangers take out their morphers. Tracy and Mike's brackets turn into their morphers.

"Dragonzord!" Tommy shouts.

"Mastodon!" Zack shouts.

"Pterodactyl!" Kimberly shouts.

"Triceratops!" Billy shouts.

"Saber-tooth, Tiger!" Trini shouts.

"Tyrannosaurus!" Jason shouts.

"Dino Thunder Power Up!" Mike and Tracy shout.

~Welcome To Reefside ~

The rangers teleport to the park and see a putty army along with Scropthorn.

"Jason, Mike and I can handle the and the other rangers can fight the monster." Tracy says.

Jason nods and Tracy charges in towards the putties. She does a Kyakushin Pinan Sono Go Kata to clear a path for the Mighty Morphin Rangers. They run through the putty army. The putties get up a few seconds later. She does a couple Urs Ushiro Mawashi Geri ( spinning wheel kick) followed by a Yoko Tobi Geri kick ( flying side kick) to beat them.

Mike, on the other hand, is having a tough time fighting them. He does a backflip and calls for his tro-bow. He takes aim and shoots several arrows at them. They fly towards them and destroy five putties. The sixth putty amazingly catches it. The putty turns to its left and throws the arrow towards Tracy.

"Tracy, look out!" Mike warns.

Tracy turns to her left and sees the arrow. She does a quick Mikazuki Geri (crescent kick) to knock it away. A loud thump rings through the air as it hits the tree. She does a Fumikomi (stomping kick) to knock down the last putty in front of her.

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