Welcome to Reefside

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Normal POV

Tracy Burlew is a seventeen old girl around 5'3'' with long Blondie hair and blue eye. She is wearing a t-shirt that says "I'm sorry if I fall asleep in class today sir/ma'am. It's not that what your teaching isn't important I'm just fighting jet lag." and a pair of blue jeans with a butterfly sequined on the upper part of the right leg. She was standing with her mother Christi in the driveway outside their new house by the ocean and talking about how much she wants to go back home to Michigan. Christi is a management analyst in her 60s. She is slightly above average height, with very long, straight, white-blonde hair, and dark blue eyes. Her husband Benjamin is a truck driver in his mid-50s. He is tall, has long, pale red hair, and pale green eyes. He left for work a few hours earlier.

"Mom, did we really have to move?" She asks.

"Yes, sweetie you know how tough things were getting back in Michigan," Christi answers.

"But couldn't we have waited to move until I graduated." she adds

"I know you miss your friends back home, but things will get better don't you worry," Christi says reassuringly.

"Can't I stay home and help you unpack?" She asks.

"Nice try honey. I called Reefside High and they are expecting their new student today. Plus the counselor received your transcripts as well." Christi says.

"Okay, fine, you win. Can I borrow your car?" she asks politely.

"Sorry, but I need it," Christi informs her.

"Great I have my driver's license, but I still have to take the school bus - nice." she whispers under her breath.

"You'd better get going you don't want to miss it now would you?" Christi asks.

"Yes," Tracy answers quickly.

Christi gives her daughter the evil look. Tracy tells her mom that she is going. Christi hands her daughter her Michigan State book bag and her lunch. Tracy slowly walks down the driveway and makes a left turn to walk down the street to the bus stop. About five minutes later she reaches the designated area. She notices a strange pink rock sitting next to the stop sign. Tracy reaches down and picks it up.

"Well, this is a pretty strange-looking rock. I wonder what it's doing here." She says.

She hears the bus start to pull up. So she puts the rock in her pocket. The bus' break squeaks as it comes to a complete stop and the doors swing open. She sees the bus driver Michelle Garcia. She is very tall and slender with strong features, long, straight, black hair, and dark brown eyes

"Hi, there I'm Michelle. Climb aboard the Reefside express." Michelle says.

She climbs the steps and enters the bus. She watches the doors slowly close behind her. She sits down in an empty seat and sets her bag down beside her. She stares out the window and watched as the sign marking the bus stop got smaller and smaller as the bus drives away.

"Man, I hate feeling like a freshman again." she says with a frown on her face.

Then a girl about five feet five comes over to her. She is very tall and lean with bold features, very short, straight, strawberry blonde hair, and blue eyes. Tracy moves her bag and the girl sits down next to her.

"Hi, I'm Amber Torres, what's your name?" She asks.

"Tracy, it's nice to meet you." she says.

"You can come over and sit with me and my friends of you want." Amber offers.

"No thanks Amber I don't want to intrude or anything." she says.

"Hey Amber, why don't you invite your new friend over." says a male voice.

They look over to where the sound was coming from. Tracy sees a boy with baby blue eyes and curly baby blonde hair to match. His skin is white.

"Hey Amber, who's that?" she asks Amber.

"Oh, that's Mike Andrews. He's pretty cute, right?" Amber says

Tracy says that Mike is kind of cute. She is trying not to blush. Amber can tell that she is crushing on him really bad, "Do you want to go over and say hi to him?" Amber says sweetly. Tracy shakes off the goofy smile from her face.

"No thanks Amber, I'm good." she says a few seconds later.

"Well I guess, I'm just going to have to go back over there and tell him that you like him," Amber says with a cheeky smile on her face.

"No, you can't do that." she says frantically.

"I guess I'll have to invite him over," Amber says.

"Ok, Amber you win. I'll go over there," she says.

They walk over to where Mike and her other friends are. Mike moves over so Tracy can sit by the window.

"Hi I'm Mike, and what would your name be beautiful?" Mike says smoothly.

"Do you call all the girls beautiful?" she asks him.

"Just the beautiful ones like you. So, what is your name?" he says.

"Tracy," she says trying so hard not to act stupid.

"Well, a pretty name for an even prettier girl." He says with a smile on his face.

Mike continues telling her how beautiful she looked the entire ride. Tracy tried to speak, but nothing came out. Amber sits down next to her best friend Lilly Flores. Lilly is a dynamic girl. She has slanted brown eyes, thick, wavy, sand-colored hair, an hourglass build and her skin is deeply tanned. They start talking a few seconds later.

"Well, it looks like their hitting it off," Lilly says.

"Yeah, I know," Amber agrees.

"Who is the girl anyway?" Lilly asks her best friend.

"Oh, that's the new girl, Tracy," Amber answers.

"Well, I guess you could say that her first day at Reefside is off to a good start," Lilly says giggling.

"You can say that again, Lilly," Amber says with a smile.

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