Recovery Time Part 2, - Spring Break

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Normal POV

Tracy is happy to have the walking cast on her ankle. She walks into the kitchen. The only problem she feels like crud. She has a headache and feels really tired and her throat been sore for the past four days. She woke up around four a.m. because she felt nauseous.

"Good morning, Tracy," Aaleahya says.

"Good morning, Mrs. Andrews," Tracy says in a raspy tone.

"Tracy, honey, please call me Aaleahya, besides, Mrs. Andrews is my mother," Aaleahya says.

"My wife is right. You can call me Galen." Galen says.

"Got it. What's for breakfast?" Tracy asks in a raspy tone.

"Scrambled eggs and sausage," Aaleahya says.

"Sounds good," Tracy says in the same tone.

"Tracy, are you feeling okay this morning?" Galen asks.

"Yes, I'm fine. My throat is dry from sleeping in air conditioning all night that's all." Tracy answers in with her raspy voice.

Aaleahya walks over to her and places her right hand on Tracy's forehead.

"Tracy, sweetie, you're burning up," Aaleahya says.

She takes her hand away. Galen walks over and notices Tracy's face is red and the swollen lymph nodes on her neck. Galen tells her he is going to go get the thermometer and she should go to the living room to sit down. Tracy nods and leaves the room.

Tracy sits down on the couch and waits for Galen to come back. Tracy is mad because she has plans for spring break. Getting sick and staying in bed wasn't on the list. A few minutes he comes in with the thermometer in one hand and his doctor bag in the other.

"Is that the new one where you swipe across my forehead?" Tracy asks.

He nods and slides it across her forehead. A few seconds later it beeps and reads 102. Galen asks her if he can take a look at her throat. She nods. Galen takes a tongue depressor out of his bag. Tracy opens her mouth, he sets it on her tongue and sees her swollen tonsils and her red throat.

"I think we should go to our family doctor." He says.

Tracy nods reluctantly and they leave to go to the doctor.

Galen's POV

Tracy and I walk into the office. After Tracy signs in and does the paperwork, she gives it back to the receptionist. She walks back to her seat and sits down. The nurse calls us back to see the doctor a few minutes later. We walk into the exam room and she sits down on the exam table.

"Hello Tracy, I'm Doctor Burroughs. How are you feeling today?" Dr. Burroughs asks.

"Fine" She answers.

Dr. Burroughs does an exam and notices the same thing I did. He tells Tracy that he is going to run a few tests to find out what is wrong. Tracy nods and lets him do his job.

He leaves the room. I look over at Tracy and notice that she is struggling to keep her eyes open. I know all that Tracy's body wants her to do is rest. We wait seven minutes until Dr. Burroughs comes back with the results.

"I have good news and bad news." He says.

"What's the good news?" I ask.

"The test came back negative for strep throat," Dr. Burroughs answers.

"So what's the bad news?" Tracy asks.

"You have a really bad throat infection. The treatment I suggest is fever control, hydration and t this antibiotic for a few days " Dr. Burroughs answers.

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