Rescuing Tracy Again Part 2, - The Mission and More Help

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Wes's POV

We get off the bikes and head down the hallway till it splits off in two directions.

"Let's split up into teams of two," I say.

"What do we do if one team finds Tracy? I'm sure the Mesogog will be able to hear us," Jen says.

"We'll have to risk it, Jen, while one team deals with what Mesogog sends to distract us the others will rescue Tracy," I say.

Okay, so who is going with who?" Tommy asks.

"I'll team up with Tommy. I haven't had a chance to work alongside him," Jen says.

"Well, Eric, it looks like we're partners," I say.

Eric and I go to the left while Jen and Tommy go to the right.

Tracy's POV

I start to feel dizzy and turn my head to see nothing but blurry blobs. I look back up at the ceiling as my eyes begin to get heavy. A few seconds later everything turns black. I hear an evil laugh as I feel someone take my Dino Gem off my wrist. I try to wake up, but my body won't let me.

"You can turn off the machine now Zeltrax," a new voice says.

"Yes, Lord Mesogog," Zeltrax says.

My body slowly regains some strength when I hear the machine turn off. I try one more time to wake up. This time I'm able to open my eyes and make out Dr. O run in then kicks Zeltrax and catch my Dino Gem before it hits the floor. My vision returns to normal, and I'm a bit confused when I see another Pink Ranger and Two Red Rangers standing around me as some T-Drones appear in front of Zeltrax and a freaky looking lizard man.

"Wes, we'll deal with the Tyranodrones and the others. You help Tracy," Dr. O says.

"You got it, Tommy," one of the Red Rangers says.

The second red ranger turns around. His suit and helmet have a red arrow on them. He unhooks the restraints and helps me down off the chair.

"Wes, I didn't think your powers were still active," I say.

"They are and don't worry, Tracy, we'll have you out of here soon," Wes says.

"How did you find me?"

"Circuit located your signal,"

"When we get back I'll have to thank him,"

"Can you walk?"

I take a few steps before my legs turn to jelly. I start to fall to the floor. Wes catches me before I hit the floor. He puts my left arm around his shoulder and helps me out of the room. We go down the hallway, and I smile when I see my bike.

"Should we try to contact Hayley?"

"After the others get back,"

We wait three more minutes before Dr. O, and the other Rangers show up. Dr. O hands me back my gem. I put it back on my wrist. A few seconds later I feel a sudden rush of power flow through me like my Ranger powers were coming back. We turn around when we hear some T-drones walking up. I want to morph but remember that I can't since I don't have my morpher.

"We should get out of here," Wes says.

"Good call, Hayley," Dr. O says.

"I'm on it," Hayley says.

I hear the portal open. I walk over to my bike, but another dizzy spell hits me. I fall towards the floor again, but this time the pink ranger catches me.

"Thanks," I say.

"No Problem, I'm Jen," the Pink Ranger says.

"Jen, you can talk after we get back to the lab," Wes shouts.

Jen helps me onto the bike, and she climbs on too then we drive through the portal.

Normal POV

Tracy is semiconscious as they enter the lab. Hayley asks Jen to bring her over to the exam table so she can examine Tracy. Jen helps Tracy over to the exam table after Tracy collapses for the third time since the group rescued her. Wes carries Tracy over to to the cot he set up, then rejoins the group.

"So, is Tracy going to be okay?" Wes asks.

"She is going to be fine, Wes. It looks like some of the evil coating on her gem is missing," Hayley answers.

"What does that mean?" Jen asks.

"I think some of her power may be active," Hayley replies.

"We'll have to wait for her to wake up to find out," Tommy says.

"So, Tommy, you wouldn't mind if we stayed to help out," Eric asks.

"It would be great to get back to action things are pretty quiet back home," Wes adds.

"Sure, my team could learn a lot fighting alongside you," Tommy says.

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