Dino Power Discovery

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Normal POV

At the lab, Circuit scanners pick up the green Dino Gems energy signal.

"I just picked up an energy reading that is the same as your Dino Gem Tommy," Circuit says.

"It must be Mike," Tommy says.

"Where is it coming from?" Kira asks.

"Outside somewhere called Hayley's Cyberspace," Circuit says.

"Why would Mesogog attack there?" Kimberly says.

"I'm not sure, but we need to check it out," Conner says.

"Right let's go," Ethan says.

The Dino Ranger and Jen leave to investigate. Kimberly looks over at Tracy's morpher on the table near the wall that conceals the other entrance to the lab.

"Circuit, do you think that you could figure out a way for me to use Tracy's Ranger powers temporarily?" Kimberly asks.

"You were a pink ranger before, so after the coating on the gem is gone. You could borrow them if Tracy would be okay with it," Circuit answers.

Meanwhile, at Hayley's, Devin looks down at Tracy as she slowly starts to wake up. Once her vision returns to the way it is without her glasses, Tracy can make out Devin's face.

"Hey, Devin, could you hand me my glasses please," Tracy says.

"Sure," Devin says.

Tracy sits up as Devin takes her glasses off the coffee table and hands them to her. She puts them on. Now that everything around her isn't a bunch of blurry blobs, she sees a distressed look on Devin's face before he looks away.

"Devin, are you okay?" Tracy asks.

Devin lets out a long sigh before looking at her again and says "I should be asking you that, but yes I'm okay. Just worried about how the others are going to react once they find out about your decision."

Wes's POV

I manage to defeat all the Tyrnodrones. I turn around and see Mike charge at me. He grabs me by the neck. Then he starts to punch me in the stomach with his free hand. He hits me several times before he throws me and I fly through the air. I hear Mike summon his weapon.

Amber's POV

Zeltrax and I are standing in front of Mesogog who is sitting on his thrown. My wrists are chafing since Zeltrax tied the ropes around them too tight. I'm scared I might lose feeling in my hands soon.

"But, Lord Mesogog, I thought we were going to use her to get the other gems?" Zeltrax asks.

"I have a different plan to get the other gems." Mesogog smirks, "Now get rid of her,"

The next thing I know, I see a portal open in front of us. Zeltrax pushes me, and we walk into it. Then we are at the beach, and Zeltrax picks me up. The next thing I know I'm sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Normal POV

Mike sees several laser blasts hit the arrows. They split in half and the pieces land in a pile on the ground. He growls through his teeth and lets out a frustrated groan a few seconds later. Jen rides in. She quickly stops the bike, jumps off the seat into the air and catches Wes.

"Nice timing Jen and thanks for the save," Wes says.

Jen sets him on the ground. He stands up, and they turn around to see one of Elsa's lightning bolts coming at them. Mike shoots some more arrows at them as well. Wes and Jen fly through the air and land unmorphed on the ground after slamming into the wall. Wes pushes himself up, but his vision is getting blurry. He can barely make out Mike as the green ranger walks up to him.

"You two weren't as tough as I thought you would be. Now I'm off to get the pink dino gem," Mike says.

Mike's evil chuckles echo in his mind as everything quickly fades to black. The green ranger turns around and sees Kimberly standing behind him.

"What do you want?" Mike asks.

Amber's POV

I need to figure out how to get free before I drown. I know opening my eyes underwater is a bad idea, but I try anyway. I slowly open my eyes, and I'm shocked that I can see clearly. A few seconds later I feel my heart rate slow down and I think I am dying. Then I look down and see water going into the blood vessels near my lymph nodes on my neck. The next thing I know I can breathe.

A few seconds later I see a giant Archleon swimming up to me. It bites through the ropes.

Did my zord just save me? Also, did I discover my dino power too?

I swim over to it. I stop in front of its head. Then I melt into it. I stand up. The water drips off my hair and clothes. It makes a big puddle. The first thing I see as I look around is a purple orb in front of me. Then metal walls, smaller beams are lighting up. There is one more purple sphere in the middle it has dino footprint in the middle.

So, this is what my zord cockpit looks like not bad.

I walk over to the big purple orb and put my hands on it. Then my zord starts to swim faster and takes me to safety.

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