Mafia x Ninja

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"We made it! Man that's a long ways!" Tsuna sighed as he stepped out of the trees. He huffed and huffed since he ran that last bit out of excitement.

"FOOOOD!!!" Ryohei shouted when he saw the gate in the distance.

Chrome smiled exhausted but happily seeing the older boy so bright. Mukuro walked up and gave a soft smile himself. Lambo, though, joined in Ryohei's celebration and shouted as he started running.

Everyone followed behind, allowing Squalo to take the lead.

When they made it to the gate, the gate keepers greeted them and allowed everyone one in and Izumi escorted everyone to the Hokage's office.

*knock knock*

"Enter." Was the answer given from the other side the door.

They group entered and Izumi left them there.

"Kakashi Sensei?!" Was Tsuna's surprised reply in seeing the man who had taught Emi some basics of fighting.

He knew he was in this village but didn't expect to see him sitting behind the head's desk. Kakashi stood which a happy expretion and walked around the desk.

"Tsuna-kun and everyone. Welcome. What brings such a visit? And Squalo is back as well. You just left the day before yesterday. We're things taken care of that quickly?" Kakashi asked.

"Actually, no sir. This isn't just a visit for us. We are here on business. Someone Squalo-san is allies with has gone missing and one of his subordinates had come back home and left a note. This." Tsuna gave the sheet of paper to the silver haired man.

His eyes widened when he realised what it was. He looked to Tsuna as to say continue.

"We suspect he was headed to this Kirigakure. Emi had shown the headband symbols to us before so we figured he may have come around this way. We have no clue why either. None of his familiga knew where he was going, for how long, or why. He just did. We came to find him." The young lion continued.

"I was only given a map to Kanoha. Not to any other place. I know you said you didn't really know me so you didn't let me go on that mission with Emi, but this is a mission from home for me. I need to know how to get there and as fast as I can. Please." Squalo added with a bow.

Kakashi nodded and gave an answer. "I will get 2 ninja to accompany you. That village would trust the lead Ninja before they do you and they will also know the way. Give me a second." And Kakashi stepped into the hall and told his doorman something then returned. "I assume you want to leave as soon as possible, right? Go wait at the gate. The ninja will be there in a few minutes." Kakashi said.

The group made it to the village gate and waited. On the way they grabbed sometime to eat since it had been a few days without anything good to eat. All they had was snacks.

Eventually, they saw a familiar face.

"Sakura-san. Naruto-kun." Tsuna said as they approached.

"Hi. We will be accompanying you to the Land of Water. For those that don't know, this is Naruto. How about we get going then?" And Sakura led the way.

-_-_Emi POV_-_-

Following the sound, we found another doorway that was closed but had a small window. I peeped in and saw cells along the walls. Other than that, I didn't see anything. I allowed the others to take a look as I looked for a place to take cover. I found a room with no one and called them over with my hand.

"What do you think that's for? It looks like a prison..." I trailed off.

"I'm not sure. This is certainly not a prison." Sasuke commented as he thought.

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