Tsuna POV

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《Let's back track now. EMI is my OC but there are other characters.》


I glance around to see Yamamoto pleased somewhat, Gokudera is as relaxed as always, but Enma seems unsure and nervous.

Gokudera and Emi are the first to walk up to the teacher as per usual.

The teacher just eyed them. Gokudera never paid attention and Emi was never in class except for projects or tests. Our seats were rearranged a few weeks ago. The way we sit now, I think the teachers are suspicious of Emi and Gokudera.

After school, we all left and stretched. Final exams were finally over and summer was right in front if me. No school, no homework, sleeping in late, no more grades, just relaxation. The thought was so nice.

I walked outside with my friends happily.

"Frozen yogurt in celebration for surviving tests?" Emi suggested bubbly.

"I'm in! Tsuna? Gokudera?" Takeshi asked.

"Sure. If the tenth goes." Gokudera shrugged.

"Yeah. I'll join." I smiled.

We all went over to the frozen yogurt shop. On the way, we talked and joked.

I was looking at Yamamoto listening to him. Then somethig tackled me from the right, taking out Yamamoto too. 

When I looked up, somthing hit the ground and exploded. I saw Emi was on top of us.

She saw that bomb and shielded us from it. But why attacking us? I whined.

"Hey, you guys okay?" A girl ran over to us. I didn't recognise her but she shouldn't stay here longer.

She was followed by the guy in the leather jacket and his friend along with a really big dog.

"Don't worry. We'll protect you." The leather guy said proudly as guys in masks jumped off the buildings.

I wanted to help them get away before they got hurt.

I stood up and so did Emi and Yamamoto.

"Judime! You okay?" Gokudera asked.

"Yeah. But why are they here?" I mumbled looking around and surveying the people.

"I bet it's an attack on Judime." Gokudera hissed.

But I don't think so. This doesn't seem like a mafia attack.

"I don't think so. They are like before. That symbol. I'm still not sure what it means but I have an idea. I know I've seen it but it has nothing to do with Judime." Emi said as she dodged a weapon. It looked just like one of her fan weapons. She said it was called a kunai knife and the ninja that she trained with had lots of them.

"It's okay. We'll protect you. Just go." The navy blue haired girl said. Her voice was so sweet and sincere. I didn't want to leave her to get hurt.

"What? I'm not backing down after being attacked!" Gokudera stated and got into a fighting stance. Emi followed suit along with me and Yamamoto.

They rushed us and the ninja fought strong. So did my team. I fought hard. They were persistent. Shuriken and kunai one after another. But I dodged and threw punches while I was in hyper dying will mode.

"We need to take out those guys on the roof. It will be a wholelot easier." The leather guy said.

"I got it." Emi proclaimed and created two clones and all three of three of them ran up the side of the buildings and fought hand to hand with them. Up close she had better shots and hit them pin point with needles. They were knocked out.

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