The First Day (Part 3)

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I woke up with Yamamoto and Gokudera standing over me.

Oh yeah. I was in that fight. Where am I? I sat up and Yamamoto helped me some. I was hurt but I can take a hit. My dad didn't raise a wimp.

"Take it easy. Are you okay?" Yamamoto asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. What about Tsuna-kun?" I asked.

"I'm fine Emi-San. Are you sure you're okay? You were hurt pretty bad" he asked coming over to my bed.

"I'm fine you guys. My dad was always ruff with my sister and I. Sure, not that ruff but I've have my falls" I said then remembered that my clothes were also ruined. I looked at what I was wearing and saw that I was wearing a gown from a hospital.

"Bianchi will be back with a change of clothes for you. Don't worry" Reborn said.

I just nodded. I was under the blanket but I could tell that my legs were not off.

Gokudera handed me my clothes I was wearing before that were in a bag. My boots were on the floor on the side of my bed.

Did they know about my legs? I wondered.

"So, how come you were so slow at running earlier but you could take down those 6 idiots?" Gokudera interrogated.

"Well, like I was going to say before, I technically don't have legs. I'm an amputee" I moved the covers and revealed my prosthetic legs. They all gasped, even Reborn was shocked. He didn't know?

 He didn't know?

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"Yeah. I don't really have legs. No ankles. Can't run fast. And I was able to fight those guys because my dad was ruff. He ruff housed with us a lot, my sister and I. He hit us, we hit him back, and he taught us where to hit. He raised us like tome boys. He was the 'bad kid in the neighborhood' growing up. He got into a lot of fights. Plus, he is former Marine. Not honorably discharged. But he taught me to be strong and how to defend myself. Although that was my very first fight" I explained. They were all gaping.

"*sigh* I am so sorry. I didn't know" Gokudera apologised.

"It's okay. No offense taken. I do get around better than anyone would expect. It's fine" I said.

"So that's what you meant when you said that you couldn't be very athletic even if you wanted to" Yamamoto said.

"Yeah. There are a lot of athletes with disabilities like me but I never really practiced to be an athlete. I'm pretty sure it's a little harder. But it's fine, I get around great and I'm pretty creative. I like drawing and reading and writing" I said happily.

The shock wore off and Bianchi came in with my clothes. She was slightly shocked but didn't care too much.

They all left and let me change.

Bianchi brought me shorts, a t-shirt, and my Nike tennis shoes.
I was quick. Only 3.5 minutes.

I didn't have a coat or sweater or anything to cover my arms. They had scars on them. I'm not afraid to show them but I just didn't feel like having all the questions my first day.

But then a knock at the door drew my attention.

"Come in" I said.

Hibari came in with everyone else.
"Here. A proper uniform. You all can get to class. You can come with me." he was talking to me.

He handed me the two sets of uniforms and glared at Tsuna and his concerned and confused friends. They left as Hibari led me the the disciplinary office.

"You can wear what you are now for the rest of the day but wear that uniform tomorrow. Now, I saw the end of that fight. You fight and run pretty well for an amputee with no training. But I don't want you to be bullied" he said expressionless.

"Join the Disciplinary Committee and no one will bully you. You will be safe" Kusakabe said kind of enthusiastically.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Join the Disciplinary Committee?" I confirmed. Kusakabe nodded.

"Your grades are good. And it will keep others from messing with you. I'll even get Kusakabe to train you. Just keep your grades up and practice your Japanese" Hibari said.

I let sink in for a second and shook my head. I was going to be in the Disciplinary Committee. It was only my first day.

Kusakabe got up from his seat on the couch and went over to a supply closet. He pulled out a coat that looked just like his. He handed it to me and told me to try it on.

It was too long and big. I would get hot in it. Hibari shook his head.

"Take it off. I will get you another one. Any kind of preference?" Hibari asked me.

He let them choose their coat? I thought to myself.

"You look uncomfortable in that" Kusakabe said, reading his mind.


"Uhh... maybe something lighter. I get hot easy. And shorter. I trip easy. And light color, if that's okay. Black attracts the light and heat and something like white would reflect it. A little cooler" I suggested skeptically. Kusakabe nodded slowly thinking. He seemed impressed with my logical answer.

"Okay. What's your size?" Hibari said.

I told him my size and Kusakabe wrote it down along with my preferences.

"Favorite color?" Kusakabe asked.

"Light blue. Like the sky" I said.

"Hmm. Okay. Thank you. You may go to class now. Here" and Kusakabe gave me a note to class.

I headed back to class were I knew there were going to be questions.... and not about where I was or what Hibari-San wanted. It would be about my arms and legs.

*Sigh* I kept walking.


Thank you sooooooooo much for reading. Please continue.


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