~A Confession~

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I was at the park. Too much on my mind. Needed air.

I looked to the sandbox in the park and some memories flooded my mind. Tears ran down cheeks. Happy tears and yet some sadness.

I used to like this spot.... but Hibari-San loved it. Hibari-San.

Then, Hibari-San was a friend or older brother to me. Always there for me. None else talked to him. He was just quite but everyone thought he was antisocial or mean. They were so wrong. Hibari-San was a great guy. He is a great guy.

Hibari-San is different from then, though. He changed.

And so have I. My feelings included.

Even with the time gap and loss of memories, when I read the manga, he was my favorite character. I get here and spend face-to-face time, even small, I felt close to him. I always wanted to get to know him more. I wanted to be a friend.... or..... more? I'm conflicted.

I walked over to the sandbox.

After I sat in the sand, a dark figure started making their way to me slowly. I wasn't alone!

I was thinking of running but I'm slow so I know they will certainly catch me. Even with my new development. I'm not in complete control of my chakra yet. I'm in practice.

They continued and I still couldn't see them clearly. I was ready to fight if the need be.

Eventually I heard them talk and it was a familiar voice.

"Emi-San?" They whispered.

They came into the light some and I knew who it was.

"What are you doing out so late? You'll catch a cold without anything on your arms. Here" and he put his coat around my shoulders.

"Thanks but I'm fine. I was hot and stuffy at home. I wanted a walk and some air. It's not cold out here. It has a nice, lovely breeze. I like it" I say giving him back his coat. "What are you doing here Kei-Chan" I asked.

"Just taking a walk. Thinking....." he looked to me. "....about you." He sat down beside me.

That took me by surprise.

"I was thinking of how I was a total jerk to you in the past. I was a total ass. I bullied a lot of others too but I was just annoyed. I only hurt you though. I only bullied others verbally but I hurt you. *deep sigh* I was mad. I was annoyed. I was hurt, by you" he looked me in the eye. "You may not remember or even know you hurt me, but you did. You were always with Hibari Kyoya. You tried to be friends with everyone else but I stopped them. You were already friends with Hibari so I couldn't do anything about that but I bullied you. I was jealous of him" he said and looked away at the end. He looked hesitant to continue but he did.

"It was long time ago, but we were in class one day, in kindergarten. It was before you met Hibari. It was before you moved. We were playing together by the board. I gave you something but the next day you gave it back. You moved the very next day and I didn't see you again until 2nd grade by chance. I thought it was fate. Then I saw you all happy with Hibari. When I went to talk to you, I tried to talk like we always did but you had forgotten about me. You tried to introduce me to Hibari and when I saw how happy you were to talk about another guy, I.... *sigh*" he didn't want to continue. And he didn't need to.

"... that was you?" I said. He looked up in surprise. "I didn't remember who or even what school I went to but I did remember that a boy in my class gave me a pair of heart shaped, hoop earrings. He took them from his mom. That was you?" I said and his face brightened up to a quiet shade of red.

"Yeah. That was me. I can't believe you remembered. How come you acted like you forgot?"

"I forgot who gave them to me but actually being given it, I remember. I don't know why I forgot that but to be honest, I forgot everything except that at that school. I don't even remember the name of the school. *chuckle* I had to give them back though. My mom said to. At that time, I didn't know what she was thinking. I thought it was just a friend giving me a gift. That was all. Hehe. But I eventually realized the motives behind it. It was too late though. I was really innocent then. Thoughts of dating never crossed my mind back then" he looked depressed when I said that. "No even when I was hanging out with Hibari-San. But things change" I said that and he kind of perked up but was still depleted.

"But I hurt you for my own petty motives and reasons. That's a huge turn off" he shook his head.

"You said that before about being my friend yesterday. But yeah. I don't like you that way. Sorry. For now, let's just be friends and see where that goes. I don't remember much of way back then in kindergarten but the memories of you I do have are only of you bullying me, so I don't really know you. I'd like to get to know you first, okay. And don't go and get jealous if things don't end up that way eventually. Okay?" I smiled and he smiled back.

"Sure. Hmm. Would you like a smoothie for the way back home?" He asked.

"How about a milkshake?"

"That's even better."

And we got our milkshakes and he dropped me off at home. I had finished my shake and threw it away in the trash can outside. Then snuck back in threw my window. I hurriedly checked to see if anyone was awake.

They were still sleep. Thank goodness. Although, these could be shadow clones. But I don't think so.

I got in bed and went to sleep.


What'd ya guys think?

Little kids are really like that. Bully the kid they have a crush on. I'm not sure if the boys who bullied me in elementary liked me but, to be honest, I wasn't thinking like that at all. Sorry. Hahaha. Yeah. I was really that innocent then. Still really innocent and possibly dense.

And I was given a pair a sterling silver, heart hoop earrings. I don't remember who gave them to me or anything about the school or my time there. It literally is all a blank besides that one moment. 😂 And my parents made me give them back the next day bit I don't remember anything else.

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Arigato. Bye~Bi

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