The Day It All Began

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Currently my dad, younger sister and I were on the bus headed to Best Buy. I didn't want to go to Best Buy, but I had to if I was going to get a game but then again, my sister will bug me to get a boring game and it wouldn't be worth it... then I remembered. My mom had visited me the other day and brought one of her nieces (they are about the same age). She had given my sister and I some money.

I briefly checked my wallet to see if had brought it or forgot it at home. It was there.

"Hey daddy, when we get to the Best Buy, can I go to the bookstore right there? I want to see if I could get an interesting book" I asked.

"But I thought you wanted to get a game? Sure, but with what money?" He asked tiredly.

"With the money Mrs. Alice gave me" I said happily.

It didn't seem to faze him but I didn't care. To be honest, I haven't gone to a bookstore before. I've known it was there but never had any ideas to go because I never had the money to get anything and my dad never let me. Hmmm... I wonder what mangas they have there? Any I'm interested in? I guess I will find out soon enough. I thought to myself as the bus came to our stop, not knowing what was in store for me at the bookstore.

We got off and headed to the Best Buy and then I went left to the bookstore.


Name: Emi Brenckle
Age: 16
D.O.B: 4/11/00
Junior in high school

Lives with: Father, Younger sister, and 2 Dogs. Mother and father divorced.

Likes: Manga/anime, tea, sweets, fruit, friends/family, music (kinda picky), singing and dancing along to my music, the temperature cold, school, being happy and positive, animals, being creative, reading, and writing.

Dislikes: bullies, the temperature hot, and hypocrites.

Hobbies: sewing, writing, sleeping, a little baking, reading, and talking to friends. (I may not hangout with her much, and I do want to, but we are so different and I have my reasons, my sister too. I try to talk to her)

Other: extremely positive, in all honor classes, trustworthy, teacher's pet, kinda lazy (it may seem like I'm really lazy to my dad but he has no say -_-'), single, very friendly, is that it..? Oh wait, a really big thing, IM A DOUBLE AMPUTEE. I am missing both of my legs below the knees. That's why my sister and I don't really hangout much and why it seems like I'm lazy but not really...


I made it to the bookstore. It was bigger than I expected but looks comfy. I look around. I see some interesting books. I looked at them then decided what I may or may not get, then I spotted the manga section. I looked through them. Some I already read. Some I was interested it. Some that caught my attention and I got interested in it. Then I saw my most recent FAVORITE manga.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

I went to it to look at it. I didn't read the manga as a book but on a manga app. It's pretty much the same but still different. Not that many extra side stories. Or recommendations to other manga. Or any commentary from the author or the fan art. Plus sometimes the picture doesn't look right. The actual book is better but you do what you can right?

I noticed they had the whole series of the manga on sale. I wonder why...... really why??

I take the final volume of the series off the shelf. I opened it to look at it. It was the closest one to me.

It seemed like there was a flash when I opened the book. I thought I heard a... voice?

"Enjoy your trip" it said... it sounded... familiar?

"Ow..." I said sitting up and rubbing my head and eyes.

"Are you okay?" A kind and gentle voice said followed by frantic footsteps. Sounds familiar... but where?

"Umm... y-yeah... *sigh*" what just happened? I was just at the bookstore and now I'm outside? I thought to myself after managing to answer the kind gentleman but I didn't look up.

"Are you sure? Come on. Let's go over to my place. I'll get you a nice snack" He said. So trusting and asks a total stranger to his place? Are you serious? I looked up wondering who would ask such a thing to a girl he didn't even know the name too... only to see a pretty familiar face.

My eyes widened in complete shock. "Y-Yamamoto?" I whispered under my breath, forgetting how to breath for a second. He didn't hear it though.

"Come. My family owns a sushi shop. I'll get you something there, okay?" He said with an incredibly kind smile.

I look around for a second. I recognize this place but have no idea of where I am exactly. Knowing that I have no idea of what happened or where to go and wanting to go somewhere to think, I went with him to his shop.

"I'm Yamamoto Takeshi" he chirped on the way.

"Emi" I said shyly. I'm too confused and with my mind in such a disarray, I can't think straight. A nice cup of tea may help... maybe.

I felt lost. What was I going to do? What were my dad and sister going to do? How would they feel? I'm sorry y'all. I felt like I was about to cry.

Yamamoto must've noticed because he happily laughed.
"Haha. Look at that little kitten. Jumping around with the butterfly" he said with a reassuring smile. It was contagious. I couldn't help but smile too. Maybe I'll be fine... but what about my family? I thought. I decided that crying wouldn't help but I needed to stop and think.

We continued our way to his place.



Hey. Yes, that is me. It's just a fanfic though hehe. I am really excited to write this story. I have an idea of where I want to go.

Soooo EXCITED 😆😆😸😸

Too those of you who have read my other stories, thank you for reading this one too.

To those who are new, thank you for checking it out. And if you like this then you may like my others.

Hope all my fans like my stories. And I know so far I have done 3 KHR fan fiction and no other, except the crossover is technically OHSHC too it's still KHR too so.... I'm am not obsessed with KHR but it is my favorite. I will write others too. It's just I had these three ideas lingering in my head.

Enjoy and read till the end.

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