Any Ideas?

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=-=Hibari POV=-=

I would've been doing my job of patrolling if I wasn't thinking of her. I didn't even hear the bell ring.

I saw the group that Emi-San and the kid are usually with running in. It didn't cross my mind that they were late though. I just thought they were going to be late. I didn't hear the bell.

I waited a few more minutes, then looked at my watch and saw that they were late.

I went down to there class to warn them to not be late again. I looked in and saw that one person was missing.

She came in with me, so why isn't she here?

"Brenckle-San hasn't come in yet, if that's who you're looking for" the teacher said.

I glanced at the group of late students. They shuttered but I turned out and left.

I went to the Disciplinary Committee room to see if Kusakabe saw her. Maybe she got lost? Or didn't want to talk to everyone because of the incident.

When I got in the room, she was sound asleep on the couch, rapped in my favorite blanket.

Or she just got tired...

I just sat at my desk and looked through the papers there. All requests from the Disciplinary Committee, students, and others who need help from the Disciplinary Committee. I just put them to the side. I called Emi-San's teacher and told her to make a note to make a copy of everything for her.

After, I looked out the window to see if there were any skippers or trespassers.


I woke up from my nap and felt better. How much time do I have to get to class I thought.

I was about to get my phone out to tell the time when I herd someone behind me.

"It's the middle of 1st period" Hibari said, staring out the window.

"Middle? Why didn't you wake me up when you got here?" I asked annoyed.

"I got here after the first period bell. You were asleep. I told you that you didn't have to go to class and there is no such thing as being tardy for the Disciplinary Committee. I didn't think you'd want to go to class considering that you never really pay attention" he said turning around as he spoke. He handed me all the work for today in all my classes. Just the work. Not the notes. All the teachers put a note on the work that said they understood about the Disciplinary Committee and the exceptions they get, but I'm still new so I shouldn't even try to skip because it's just going to hurt me. If I want the notes then I needed to speak with them. They all put it in their own way.

I looked at the work. It was all too easy. The only class I would need notes for would be my Japanese class. But that was the very last class of the day.

I just sat there and finished all the work by 3rd period except for my Japanese class. I was going to do it in class. I still need to work on it.

When I was done, I looked over to Kusakabe who was sitting on the couch across from me. Hibari had left to go patrol.

"So you're done?" He asked.

"Yeah. It was easy. Only Japanese to go and I'm done fully. But I'm going to do that in class" I said.

"Good. So, about the training, have you thought of a weapon or fighting style? And when would you like to start?" He asked.

I still didn't think of it until now. What would I like.

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