The New Bullies

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I drew out my weapon and I was pleased. I made 2 ideas. I put those aside and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up about the same time as yesterday. I felt like taking a walk and looking around.

I walked for a while then ended up at the park. I sat down to take a break. There were no kids here so it was quite.

There was, however, one guy there. He was on the other side of the park sitting on the benches. He was quietly reading a book.

I took out the book I brought. I had already gone to the school and got the next two books in the series. The librarian likes me. It wasn't only because I was part of the Disciplinary Committee but because she liked me and trusted me so she gave me access to check out a book on my own.

I started reading and was into the book.

3rd person POV

"Oh man. It's been quite a while. Still looks the same. Wait... is that Hikaru-San? I thought he moved too? I think I'll say Hi" said a guy walking into the park. He walked right by Emi and to the guy sitting alone reading.

The guy reading looked up when the other guy stood in front of him. His eyes widened.

"Nico? Nico Soma?" He said in disbelief.

"Yep. I'm back and it seems like you are too, Hikaru Hittachin. How have you been? Man it's been a while. You look a lot better" the guy, now dubbed, Nico Soma, laughed.

Yeah, my parents liked here better and finally got a new place in 2 years. And you, you look great too. How have you been?" The guy named Hikaru Hittachin said.

"Great. I didn't like my highschool lately. I wasn't getting into trouble I started but some new guys decided that they wanted to mess with me. Of course I stuck up for myself and my parents cooled off after I told them my part but I wanted to come back. I don't feel like I'm off the hook for then. I still feel bad about that and being those guys' target made me feel even worse. You know when I moved there, I was also bullied for being the new guy. It made me realize what a jerk I was to her" Nico said.

"I know what you mean. For a while, small things that reminded me of her made me feel terrible. For the rest of that school year, I didn't want to make ONE friend. None. I felt I didn't deserve it" Hikaru said.

"Yeah. Sometimes, every now and then, I could still hear her cries." Nico sighed, guilty.

"Yeah. I remember how nice she was to us even though we always hurt her. Even though we didn't do the finishing blow, we did take part. I had to turn myself in when I heard. We weren't punished like that thief but I sure enough felt horrible" Hikaru reminisced.

"Yeah. I wonder how the other guys are doing. They were the real stupid ones. They came up with all the ideas. But that doesn't get us out of it. We still followed." Nico sighed in thought.

"Yeah. Even if I didn't like the idea, I still went along with it because I didn't want to be bullied myself." Hikaru felt awful thinking of the past.

Then 3 more guys came walking up.

"HEY! You guys are here too! What a coincidence" the first guy shouted.

"Hey. Yuki, Joi, Kei. You guys are back too" Hikaru shouted.

"Yeah. We just moved back. My parents liked the work here better" the first guy, Yuki Takashima, said.

"I stayed near. You went a good distance away" Joi Kakeru huffed.

"Hehehe. Sorry dude. We were only 7. We had to leave with our parents. But we're back now" Kei Ogami laughed.

"Yeah. So how have you two been?" Yuki asked.

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