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'You can speak up first, ya know...' warm rolled down my cheeks and I blinked away the blur in my eyes.

If only it were that easy... to speak up first. I've been rejected a few times in the other world and haven't even dated once. Kusakabe stole my first kiss but I don't see him as something more for me. I'd rather stay friends with him. But I can't speak up to Kyo. He won't listen to me in the first place. And I don't wanna mess up our current friendship. He was going back to the way he was before but he just snapped. Why won't he let me help? Why?' "Why?" I crouched down and sat on the ground, hugging my knees to my chest and crying.

My hair blew wildly in the wind as I sat on the roof of the school building.

"Tsk. I wanna tear that cloud to shreads for making you cry like this. *sigh* I won't hurt kill him. I'll teach him a lesson but won't hurt him... too bad." I felt arms wrap around me and hold me tight. I fell into the hold and continued to silently weep.

=-=Hibari POV=-=

"Tsk. I wanna tear that cloud to shreads for making you cry like this. *sigh* I won't hurt kill him. I'll teach him a lesson but won't hurt him... too bad." I heard a familiar voice as I sat perfectly still and silent, hidden on the rooftop of the school building. From my position I could see Emi sitting and crying while being hugged by that loud, long-haired carnivore that Yamamoto fought once. Emi said his name was Squalo I believe.

Is it Kusakabe or this guy? Whoever it is, hope she'll be happy with him and forget me.

I hid behind a plant and wall on the roof. I was brought here when the herbivores rushed her to the nurse's office. I woke up here and the guys said we have to find a place to hide out for now. We were injured and wouldn't make it far. They couldn't get anywhere better because other Disiplinary Committee members were fighting or on watch. I'd say none of the members left when I did but got stronger as well.

I sat, unmoving from my place as I watched her in a weak state being held by this guy. The longer I sat and watched, the more I wanted to kill the guy. And that is the reason I left. She wanted someone else and can't give up on her.

It's best that I leave and not return. She can be happy and not have to cry when she forgets me.

I sat for a while as someone else appeared.

=-=3rd POV=-=

"Ushishi. You finally moved in huh, Sharky? What do you think boss will say, especially since you still haven't returned since our adventure?" A blonde with bangs that covered his eyes smiled widely, hands in his pockets.

"Well, he was pretty angry when we showed up and said we followed you to some place a good ways away and had no cell service. And when we said you weren't with us at the mission he went besurk and searched for you immediately. I saw you here and told him this is where you were but I didn't know she was here as well." A floating baby spoke in a bored tone.

"He'll be a billion times more mad when he sees you with a little girlfriend. Ushishi" the blond laughed.

The two white haired people didn't flinch or move. Soon enough, the blonde's smile dimed a bit as a chill fell when someone else joined.

A few someones, actually, but only one could cause such a change in the atmosphere.

"TRASH! YOU LEFT WITHOUT TELLING ME AND DON'T REPORT BACK IMMEDIATELY WHEN RETURNING!? AND WHO THE HE'LL IS THIS!?" A guy with black hair and a scar across his face yelled as he stood over the two.

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