Primo Appears

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"WHAT THE HELL!?" All of the small people here said in unison. Lambo was the only one that said nothing, surprisingly.

Colonello, Reborn, Skull, Mammon, Verde, Fon, and Yuni have just received their pacifiers, AGAIN!!

I jumped down off of the roof and joined Tsuna and his friends. I glanced around the roof and I saw that all of the Varia, except Xanxas, all of the Vongola, except Hibari Kyoya, and all of the Arcobaleno are here. Coincidence?

"Ahh. I see you all have finally made it. Nice to see you all again." A familiar voice said. The voice I have been waiting to here for a while now.

"Muu?" Mammon looked to where he heard the voice.

"That's..." Fon gasped.

"That's Checker Face! HEY!" Colonello was wide eyed in surprise.

"Wha- What's he here for?!" Skull shook in a bit of fear.

Reborn didn't say a thing. He just looked sternly at the man now before us.

"Well, you are all here now because we need your help. It's now time. We felt the whole family should be here so we summoned them, but the Arcobaleno were most important. And as long as the others of the Vongola family were near, they were fine." He started off. Everyone was confused. He was being very vague about the situation.

He looked directly at me and put up two fingers and motioned them for me to come.

"Emi Brenckle, would you please come up here?" He said. All eyes were on me. Less than half of the people here know how I am here and know the whole story. Everyone else was at a total loss.

I went up to him slowly and stood in front of him.

"Turn and face them. Now will the Arcobaleno please come up?" He ordered. The arcobaleno did so. Reluctantly but still did so.

By this point, even those who knew the story were lost, including me. Once everyone was here, Checker Face continued.

"Yuni-Chan. You understand what to do, I presume?" And she nodded.

She clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. Everyone stared at her confused but I recognized this. It was from the anime version, not the manga. One of the differences between the two during the future arc. It was when Tsuna and his guardians had to be accepted and gain the full power of the Vongola.

And as I thought, the Arcobaleno pacifiers lit up and so did Tsuna's ring. Then out came a bright Orange flame which revealed a figure.

"Whoa, that's..."
"But how..."
Went around the roof as being in his presence was really amazing.

"I answered the call of the Sky Arcobaleno. Is there a reason you called me out?" Vongola Primo asked as he glanced around. He happened to be standing in front of me with his back towards me.

"Well. I asked for you to be called. I think it's time." Checker Face said. He was standing to the left of me.

Primo turned to face us, more specifically, Checker Face. He nodded for him to continue. That was until he saw me from a glance and then his eyes looked to me with astonishment.

"So this is why?" He asked, eyes still on me. Although, it didn't feel like he was looking at ME exactly but it didn't look like he was looking passed me either.

"Sorry. But it won't work without both pieces. And the other chooses who wears it. Not only that, but the person has to accept it, too. It's not as easy" He sighed.

When his gaze left me, I thought of his words. 'Both pieces' 'chooses who wears it' 'person has to accept it'

So it's something I'm wearing. I thought of his eyes, where they settled. I looked down. Both pieces... my necklace? And the other piece??  It couldn't be.....

"What is it you are talking about, Primo Sir?" I asked as he started walking away from me.

He turned back. "She doesn't even know?" He exasperated and shook his head in displeasure.

Know what?

"Don't worry about it. If you don't have the other piece, it doesn't matter." He answered.

"What is the other piece?" I asked.

"Hmp. You don't even know what you're getting into and you're asking? Very well. It's a ring. I doubt you'll find i--"

"--I thought so. 'The person has to accept it. It's not easy.' I'm not sure what the 'pieces' are for but, is this the other piece?" And I raised my hand to show the ring on my left hand. "Not many people liked it. I was bullied because of it. And so on. So, not that easy is certain." I said.

Primo was taken aback when he saw it. He smirked and nodded. "Yes it is. I guess it can work then." He said.

I am still very confused. So are the others. Primo looked to Checker Face then to me.

"Hold your necklace with the hand that has the ring. And kneel down." I did so. "Now, one by one, the Arcobaleno show your pacifiers to her necklace." He said and the Arcobaleno were totally confused. 'What would that do?' Was all over their faces.

That sounds familiar.... Like that episode where they had to be accepted by the Arcobaleno and get a power up from them. How would that work here though?

The arcobaleno seemed a bit skeptical about it and didn't move.

"Come on. It'll be fine." I chirped. From what I know, it was safe, especially if Checker Face was going along.

Reborn seemed to be the first to budge. He came over and showed his pacifier to my necklace and ring. A small yellow flame jumped from his pacifier to my necklace. Then my necklace and ring both lit up a bit then faded out.

Everyone was surprised. Not me so much. I saw it in the anime. And because I didn't seem surprised earned me weird glances from some.

Next came Fon. He did the same and the same thing happened but with a red flame. Colonello next with a blue flame. When he was done, he went back by Reborn and Skull.

"Get going lackey." Reborn and Colonello pushed skull forward and he kind of rolled.

"IM NOT A LACKEY!!!!" He shouted back in protest.

"Just get to it!" Reborn commanded.

Skull scoffed and put his pacifier by my hand. His was a purple flame.

They continued until they got Yuni. I stood for Yuni and the final time, my ring and necklace glowed again. But this time, not only mine, but everyone's. The whole Vongola. Tsuna's, Takeshi-San's, Gokudera's, Lambo's, Ryohei's, and Mukuro's and Chrome-San's Vongola Gear glowed.

Now that surprised me along with everyone else. I looked around and saw them all glowing too. Then I looked back to Primo questionably.

He smiled.


I AM evil. Muwa hahahaha.

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