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I woke the next morning at the time I had set on my alarm. I got dressed and made a small breakfast. I had made some oatmeal and I always make too much and end up throwing some away. If I saved it, I wouldn't taste right after reheating. Never does.

It was almost done when my doorbell rang. I answered it and it was Kei.

"Hey. What are you doing here this early?" I asked.

"Well, I thought I'd walk to school with you. We could talk about the project and practice some." He said.

"You know it's still really early? The school isn't even open." I slightly chuckled at his expression.

"Oh. Did I wake you?" He asked looking guilty.

"Nope. I'm already dressed, as you can see. I was making me some breakfast. I was going to head to school because I have somethings to take care of, to be honest." I shrugged.

"What are you making?" He asked.

"Oatmeal. HEY!" I jumped excitedly. "How about you join me? I don't like wasting food and I always end up making too much." I asked.

"Sure. I haven't had breakfast yet either. Thanks" and he came in.

I got the bowls and spoons out, along with the sugar. I got the pot and put the oatmeal in the bowls.

"Put the sugar to your taste." I offered and put my sugar and stirred.

He did the same and we started eating. There was enough for an extra bowl so someone could get seconds if they wanted. That was at first but my doorbell rang again.

I answered and...

"Hey. You want to walk to school?" Kyo-kun asked before I could even speak.

"Uhh... I'm actually having breakfast right now. You want to join?" I asked after my initial shock.

"What is it?"


"Sure. You better not have burned it again" he said coming in.

"Again? I don't remember ever burning oatmeal" I said closing my door and following him.

"You did a few times when we were kids. It was your favorite breakfast food and you tried to help my mother but messed it up. You never did get it right." He slightly laughed but then went right back to his normal self and continued to walk.

When we got back to the kitchen, he stopped short.

"Who was it--" Kei started then saw it was Kyo-kun.

"..." Kyo-kun stood silent.

"Kyo-kun. Kei showed up a bit earlier. I invited him in too. He's a pretty good friend." I said trying to explain a little because of the expression on his face. It looked like he was about to bite him to death.

"Hn?" Was all he said.

"Come. It's fine. He's a friend" I tried to calm him.

"Yo. I'm sorry Hibari Kyoya. I was wrong back then and even a few days ago. But I'm changing my ways. I'm turning a new leaf. Please forgive me or at least prove myself" Kei pleaded.

Kyo-kun kept looking at him intimidating and silently. Then he walked over to where I had fixed his bowl. He sat and looked me.

"Looks like you finally figured it out." He said.

I smiled. "Put your sugar how you like." I chirped and went back to my seat.

Despite his unease because of Kyo-kun, he talked to me.

"So, how do you think you did on that pop quiz?" He asked.

"It was easy. Too easy. I probably got a one hundred."

"It was easy but not sure. I did get stuck on some. Those I guessed."

"I could explain the ones you got wrong."

"Really? Thanks"

"Today, I'll be busy. I'm going to patrol for the Disciplinary Committee" I said.

"Okay. Sure. You want me to take notes for you?" He asked.

I chuckled some. "Sorry. I just can't read your handwriting. I'll get them from Kyoko-San or Haru-Chan. Thanks anyway" I said.

We finished and I rinsed out the bowls and got my bag. Then we left. It was still awkward but not as much as before. Before you could almost taste the tension but now it's like your just walking in it.

Kyo-kun was quiet and Kei and I talked. I tried to get Kyo-kun to join the conversation but he wouldn't. It made me kind of sad, but I guess that's just how he is.


Sorry for the extremely short chapter.
Love you guys.

Thanks for reading. Bye~Bi.🐱

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